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Skywatcher Evostar 80ED DS Pro

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Hi guys

I'm looking at buying one of these:


I'll be using it with a Nikon D70 DSLR, which has quite a big chip - 21.1mm x 18mm apparently. I'm told that chances are I'll need a field flattener if I want to avoid huge distortion around the edges, but that will put the price up to close to £500, and therefore out of the question. I'm hoping someone on here, anyone, will tell me that's not the case ;)


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It's true, a field flattener will sort out the corners. Although, to be honest, the lens correction tools in PS will do a pretty good job in the meantime. Not as good as getting the FF, but... if that takes you over budget at the moment...

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I have got both those items bought last month. The FF will certainly help sharpen the stars up nicely in the edges but you can also manage that in Photoshop with lens correction and processing so I would not worry about that too much. The Evostar is a great bit of kit and lovely for wide field images.

M101 with the evostar and ff


M101 with the 200p


Orion "without" the FF on the evostar ed80


Full review of evostar ed80


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Thanks Mark! That sounds more like the answer I wanted :) I'm used to reshaping stars in PS anyway.

I'll have a look at your review.

On the other topic we were discussing, I'll be ordering from Shoestring this week! Wish me luck :)

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Good luck with the mod Doug you will find the evostar a great bit of kit I would not worry to much about the flattener you can get that later on its a great little scope. The flattener will give you a faster f ratio which will help with imaging time and give you sharper corners but its nothing that you cant fix in processing to be honest. I ditched the case and accessory's in favor of getting the flattener but did that later on.

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Good review Mark. You had no trouble with the focuser then? I've heard the focuser isn't great and won't take the weight of a DSLR without slipping. Many people replace the focuser apparently but I wouldn't be able to afford that. :)

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Thanks Doug, No I have had no problems with the focuser its like a Rolls Royce compared to the one on my 200p ultra smooth and very precise. Mind you my canon 350d is not that heavy so it may be that a bigger cameras weight could cause a slip but I am very happy with mine. I think its a really nice telescope and I am very happy with mine so I am sure you will be as well :smiley: Take a look at the photos done by Uranium they were done with the evostar ed80 very impressive cooled ccd work. Sigh oh for a cooled ccd.

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Indeed! I even looked at fitting a cold finger to the Nikon - that sounds like a total nightmare! I abandoned that idea immediately. We have to work with the tools we're given mate! ;)

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