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Long shot on this one ....


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I have a solar filter designed for an ETX 70 that I'd like to attach to the WO66.

I need some sort of adapter that screws into the WO dew shield and then accepts the ETX filter.

Anyone know of such a thing? If not, I'll hunt down an ETX OTA, but thought I'd ask first!

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I'm sure it wouldn't be to difficult to make something to do the job Daz, and if you are going up to Kelling Heath, you might just find a bit of 'astro junk' that could be adapted.

What ever you do, take very good care, your eyesight is so very precious.


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True WH it probably is. I bought the filter without entirely reading the Kai's thread on how he attached it to his WO!! I was a little too eager!! :D

And for the reason Dave has listed is why I didn't want to go the duct-tape route - that and I don't want sticky things on my oh-so-beautiful anodised WO OTA :):( :(

I might go the OTA route, at least that way I'd have a dedicated solar set up and not risk any soft and mushy parts of my anatomy!!

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Hi Daz,

In the past i have taken the bottom of a plastic plant pot. Anything will do that is opaque and reasonably rigid/flexible. Cut a whole - diameter to match the size of the threaded part of the filter, (needs to be close), and the filter will screw into that and hold firm. Then comes the duct tape. I attached the filter holder to a collar of cardboard wide enough to slide good distance over the OTA. Inside this collar you need to make another cardboard collar, (or two - it depends), that takes up the space between the OTA outer diameter and the filter holding collar internal diameter.

Duct tape holds it securely together and picking the right colour it might not look too bad.

Cheaper than some other methods.

I did this with a lumicon energy rejection filter.


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I made a thin-walled plywood adapter for my 60mm Coronado HA filer to fit my 60mm el cheapo refractor similar to Anthony's planter. The box was square and fit tightly over the end of the scope and the filter screwed into the other end. Tuning was achieved by slightly tilting the box. I told folks it was a $60 scope with a $3500 filter. It worked great and I got a lot of laughs, until they looked closer and saw the truth. 8)

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I have a BIL who works wonders with wood so perhaps I could ask him to construct something suitable.

I like the sound of DIY - I'm just shi rubbish at it!!!

I'll keep you posted on progress!

Thanks All

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