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Another Dumbell Nebula


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After waiting one lonnnngg month, finally got some relatively clearish skies at the weekend. I have still not totally got the hang of LRGB yet especially the ratio of the exposures for me seems to be in the order of 1 : 1.5 to 2 : 3 for r:g:b.

By the time M27 was visible it was quite late (or early morning), so I was able to only get 4 of each LRGB. L:240, R:60, G:120, B:180s.

No flats yet, I'm waiting for a light panel to be delivered. Aquisition, calibration in MaximDL and combining in PS.

I will redo the calibration because after processing I realised that I had calibrated my RGB with unbinned darks.

I also did the lagoon nebula again, this time using Ha instead of luminance and RGB. Image comes out pinkish not sure sure what to do with that. Any suggestions ?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Managed to finally get some RGB to add to the Ha of M16 I took a couple of months ago. RGB is a bit noisy so need to add more subs. also guiding was playing up a bit, so some elongated stars.


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  • 1 month later...


Here's the quick and dirty HaRGB, of the lagoon nebula, Starizona had a tutorial on combining HaRGB. I need to get more subs to improve the image and reduce noise.

M8 reworked with more RGB and HA added...

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