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Sat 12th / Sun 13th observations


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Back to the same location as Fri/Sat night with plans to tick some more Messiers off and maybe do a sketch or two.

Started off in Canes Venatici with M94 which showed a bright nucleus and maybe a small bit of structure at x187.

M5 was a tricky find as it was over Plymouth sky glow but showed well again with higher mag EP.

I wanted to see what M51 looked like in my new scope and also wanted to sketch it but although I could definitely see spiral structure on the outside I couldn't make out which way the arms actually went so I passed on the sketch and just enjoyed seeing it with different EP's.

Just because it was nearby I tried for NGC5173 but didn't spot it. Both that and the Whirlpool were so close to Zenith that I found it really hard nudging the dob in small enough movements.

Over to Ophichus and the globular clusters.

M107 was a very faint glob and quite small even with a 8mm EP.

M10 and M12 were both similar in size but M10 was richer in stars that were more tightly packed than M12's, both viewed with 12mm (x125).

I finished off in that region with M14 which was another fuzzy glob viewed at 8mm.

On to the stunning M13 for a sketch. The last time I viewed M13 two months ago I took some pretty poor notes which is a real shame but with the 12" scope all the stars were resolved even to the centre.

Finished off the night visiting M104 Sombrero again but I guess there must have been some haze coming off the sea as it didn't have the wow factor it had on Friday.

Back to work tomorrow for 2 weeks so no more observing but at least my batteries have been fully charged after a great weekend. :)


ELM - 5.6

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Another successful night. Reports like these are doing nothing to cure my aperture fever. :)

I need to see some spirals or hints of them at the very least!

Thanks for sharing.

wait till i finish my report for friday in the forest :headbang: on m51. good report mike

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