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What should I be looking at with a 130mm?

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I was just wondering if anyone had some good suggestions for objects to look for?I have only had the 130mm astromaster out once very briefly (bad weather). I am limited in my garden but can get good views of Saturn and Jupiter so just wondered if there was anything interesting for a a newbie in those areas?

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anything you like. Some people like targets I like to browse as well. If I see anything interesting I make a note of it's location and come back and research for me, there's nothing quite like discovering something for myself

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anything you like. Some people like targets I like to browse as well. If I see anything interesting I make a note of it's location and come back and research for me, there's nothing quite like discovering something for myself

Great way to observe rowan. You can't beat having a wander around the sky. It's so relaxing. I do also have targets for the night but sometimes it's just great to forget that and have a good old mooch about.:)

Lovely biscuits.:)

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good suggestions, i also like to just "mooch" too. but globulars are good targets as many are reasonably bright. but you can see nearly all if not all the messiers .

some are difficult ( galaxies mainly) . but its a good beginers list.

something like m67 and m44 are nice open clusters to view,use lowest power you can on them

and im with dobby, download stellarium for something to do on those one or two rainy nights !

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Thankyou for all the suggestions, Stallarium is amazing!can't believe it's free. I do like the idea of just 'mooching' around the sky i'll give that a go...hopefully tonight looking like the first clearish sky for nearly a week.

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I'd go for M45 (Pleiades) if you haven't already. First thing I ever saw in my binoculars (in a light polluted area >.<) and it just took my breath away. Just use your widest FOV eyepiece and biggest lens (25mm/20mm should do)

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