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Bonjour from Nashville, TN

Michael Rasico

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Hello Michael, and I hope you enjoy SGL. Shame about the poor conditions you have in your location, we have had rubbish weather here for a long spell, and just hoping it is now improving.

You just have to be a Country Music guy. I like country a lot, and I just miss old Johnny Cash. Never be another like him.

Have a good time here.

Ron. :D

Thank you all, but I have to clarify that I hate country music and I hate Nashville as well, it's long story how I ended up here. You really have to go looking for country music here outside of music row, to be honest know one I associate woth likes country. I'm more old school goth and some british pop. i'd have to say my favorite song is soviet/russian anthem though. beautiful. speaking of which, the dire observatory here in town as been open much longer in october and we have had much clearer (if not so much cooler) conditions. I plan on making it out at least once by the end of the month.

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Welcome to SGL Michael. At the risk of straying into politics I never understood why the Russians ditched (for a time) their old anthem... great tune.


they dicthed it because they wanted an anthem that reflected their new democracy. they have new democratic lyrics, but most of the population doesn't know them and still sings the "party of Lenin" lyrics. sorry for staying into politics but that happens a lot when you're a history major.

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