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Is this ok for my mount

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I have this and it works fine. My kit did not come with a power lead so I got one from FLO. The AZ GOTO mount needs a longer power plug than the normal lead so make sure get the right one for your mount. (The shorter plug will work but any movement on the lead is likely to make it break contact which means you have to keep realigning.)

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My personal opinion is that they're rubbish. They are not built to last and the batteries are poor. They're also not meant for constant drain. I have just thrown two away and still have one in my garage that you could gladly have. I have had a lot of experience with customers bringing them into us when I ran a car repair workshop asking if they were doing something wrong as they didn't work when trying to jump start a small car and also complaining the battery would not charge. They nearly all ended in the bin. Get a decent one because they're false economy

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I have seen them drain overnight. The chargers go for no reason if you leave them plugged in too long so you have to keep unplugging them and then plugging them in again so they don't go flat, a continuous job lol. Even with a warranty you soon get fed up unless you're one in a million who gets one that last 6 month.

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If you only view at home you could get a mains PSU or you're better off spending more. It all depends on if you can afford to spend the money on a cheap one that will end up in the bin but might get you by or putting more money into a better quality unit. I use a Halford branded pro jumper pack which I know is good because we used them in the trade but they are over £100. I bought it for jump starting cars and bikes so already had it(ironically had to use it for the wifes car three times lately) but there are cheaper version which will do for a scope and at Maplin, although I haven't personally tried them.

The proper scope power tanks are way overpriced.

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Ring make much better quality ones, better batteries, better chargers. Compressor dial accuracy is shocking, but you'd never rely on one of these, would you? I've got one of these


as well as a cheapo one. The cheapo one is knackered and useless, the Ring 20AH one is great.

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I have one but cut it down to fit in a flight case and trickle charge it with a solar panel. Use it at least once a month on one thing or another, have used it a number of times to start SWMBO's car when she has left lights on :) , never had a problem with it. On the astronomy side it has given good service to mount, camera and a couple of other items.


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I have had this one for 12 months. I charge it after each use and have a monthly note on my calendar to charge it if it hasn't been used for a while. It seems to retain it's charge well and I have used it for 2-3 hours with no problems. With all cheap things you do get what you pay for and I expect that I have been lucky with mine where others haven't. I did try to start my sons car with it though and that's another story.........

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Yes, I made the comment about the compressor as a joke really. The reason I went for the Ring was the better quality battery and charger. There are a few in their range - if you go for one of the ones with the 20AH battery that'll be ample for your scope, and it should outlast the cheapy ones several times over. So twice the purchase price, probably less than half the total life cost, and a lot less hassle than having a cheapy one fail on you. It's really annoying having a power pack which yopu think is fully charged for a night's viewing fail a few minutes in 'cos the cruddy battery has died.


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I have to admit that I do not trust my battery to see me through a night, I have used it for a number of hours but it does what I ask and if I do have a problem I can always use a long lead I have from the car. As said I have cut the compresser part out to fit in the flightcase, mentioned as a tip for other people who might want to do the same.


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