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Colour calibration - Anyone use eXcalibrator?


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Hmm.. never tried G2V calibration but this looks interesting Sara..

I have no idea if it'll make a great difference or not but worth a try I suspect.. might give it a go if I can find some time off from building the obsy.. :)

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I have used G2V stars to determine the exposures I should be using to get balanced RGB data.

My calculations detirmind that I should be shooting at a ratio of R=1 g=1.3 and b=1.4 for my HX916 and astronomik RGB filters.

The big drawback was more darks required if I didn't want to scale darks.

As I am (when the skies clear) planning to try adding an LP filter into my imaging train again and decided G2V calibrated exposure lengths were again going to be a must, this is interesting as an alternative to look at.:)


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How do you ensure that when you do a G2V calibration that you are actually using the right star? For example, when I put the star into CdC and issue a slew command, I'm presuming that it will go to a fov that will contain at least a dozen stars. So how do I know which one it is?

This is the first stumbling block for me and I can't see a way over it.

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I have used GV2 stars to determine the exposures I should be using to get balanced RGB data.

My calculations detirmind that I should be shooting at a ratio of R=1 g=1.3 and b=1.4 for my HX916 and astronomik RGB filters.

The big drawback was more darks required if I didn't want to scale darks.

As I am (when the skies clear) planning to try adding an LP filter into my imaging train again and decided GV2 calibrated exposure lengths were again going to be a must, this is interesting as an alternative to look at.:)


So, If I understand correctly, What you are saying here is:

Get the exposure & balance correctly calibrated at capture time rather than in processing?

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I have just been having a play with the PS plug in and it's really quite good! I have been struggling to get star colours to come out right so was hoping something like this was available.

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How do you ensure that when you do a G2V calibration that you are actually using the right star? For example, when I put the star into CdC and issue a slew command, I'm presuming that it will go to a fov that will contain at least a dozen stars. So how do I know which one it is?

This is the first stumbling block for me and I can't see a way over it.

I use a G2V catalogue of stars in sky map pro, I slew to a G2V star and overlay a FOV window in sky map and compare the star field to insure I have the right star.

So, If I understand correctly, What you are saying here is:

Get the exposure & balance correctly calibrated at capture time rather than in processing?

That is the best way to do it IMHO.

A lot more work but, everything you can do at the scope will mean less to do in the processing.

That's why I put so much time into collecting as much good data as I can, 16 hours of data needs very little processing.:)


mike. exposure.


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  • 9 months later...

Resurrecting this thread because I just found out about eXcalibrator and used it last night on a OSC RGB image of the Heart nebula. It worked well for me. There's a problem with G2 stars explained here


Briefly, we don't have spectral classification for many stars and you're unlikely to find a G2V star in a lot of astro-image fields. Also, a star maybe spectrally G2V but show much redder colour depending on intestellar stuff between the star and Earth.

Colour calibration based on B-V/V-R is more robust because we have BVR photometry data for many more stars.

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