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Celestron 20 x 80 Binoculars

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I am considering getting a pair of the Celestron 20 x 80 binoculars. According to the images Ive seen, it looks like they have an attachment on the central bar to allow fixing to a tripod. Will the fitting allow them to be atached to any typical tripod mount? Ive got a pretty sturdy photographic tripod that I want to use.

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I'm sorry but they are 3 working days, so this week no work fri/Sat/Sun/Monday

so no bins till Wednesday sorry mate, but congratulation on your new binoculars

clear skies

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them bins are really nice, im not sure how much you paid i havent looked at any link but there is a sale on at telescope house for identical but slightly different bins (revalutions) if they havent been posted yet might be better to change to the others if the price difference is greater.

any problems just give us a bell i have the smaller but equally same 15X70s

for an adapter i would get the heavy duty tripod L adapter that FLO or telescope house sell (if it hasnt got one already as some bigger bins already have one. it screws on under a cap on the front (the big lens side) in the middle just unscrew it and the 1/4 scre is there to put the l bracket on

good luck i be looking forward to a first light!

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them bins are really nice, im not sure how much you paid i havent looked at any link but there is a sale on at telescope house for identical but slightly different bins (revalutions) if they havent been posted yet might be better to change to the others if the price difference is greater.

any problems just give us a bell i have the smaller but equally same 15X70s

for an adapter i would get the heavy duty tripod L adapter that FLO or telescope house sell (if it hasnt got one already as some bigger bins already have one. it screws on under a cap on the front (the big lens side) in the middle just unscrew it and the 1/4 scre is there to put the l bracket on

good luck i be looking forward to a first light!

I think the 20x80's come with a built in tripod adapter - my revelation 20x80's certainly did - its one of the things tha make them such great value.

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