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Bolt stick?

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While waiting for my recentlty purchased copy of 'Turn Left at Orion' to arrive in the post I though I'd try an get to grips with my newly acquired 2nd hand EQ5 mount. As the alt seemed to be set quite well I didn't bother too much with it during my initial outings.

However, on further inspection I've found that I can take out the North bolt, but the south bolt seems 'locked' in place. The lowest alt I can currently achieve is about 50deg, which is not a problem as I reckon from stellarium that polaris can be found between 54.3 and 55.5 deg from my location, but I think I should be able to get the bolt out.

I can turn the bolt clockwise (presumably to tighten) or anti-clockwise over a total distance of around 90 deg, but it sticks after this.

Maybe I just need some dw40 and a big pair of pliers, but I don't want to bend the T-piece.

Any suggestions?

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i would go with what tinker said. if you can turn it clockwise then the nut will go away from the mount,if you turn it anti clockwise the nut will hit the mount locking the position

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Thanks for these comments guys. I took off all the bits that look like they're supposed to be taken off and still couldn't get anywhere near the back of the bolt. To do this I'd have to prise off the black disc(s) on one or both sides of the pivot area and as I've now got altitude adjustment from about 40 - 70 degrees it's probably not worth it.

I did give the bolt a bit more torque with a small pair of pliers and only succeeded in starting to bent the t-lever. Admittedly this wasn't too difficult - the metal is that soft my car mechanic could probably have done this with his fingers.

I'm right in thinking that the bolt is supposed to come all the way out? If so it may have bent slightly as it looks like a lot of weight could be transferred through it if the scope was at a funny angle, and ended up like the one on Islander's link.

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