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M57 a D40 high ISO test


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Set the Nikon D40 to ISO 1600 for a widefield test shot of the area containig M57

1 minute exposure prime focus on 200mm F5 Newt.

Fully expected a lot of noise at this high ISO setting but no, the camera

does very well at 1600.

Turning into a very versatile astro cam is this D40 8) :D


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Nicely done Phil,

The versatility of these DSLR's never ceases to amaze me..

I like these wide field DSO shots as they are relatively easy to take and puts some perspective on their location..


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Phil, do you mind me asking what is the amp glow like? Do you have to crop the top left part of the picture out?

Great image btw D40's are so cheap now. Down to £260 brand new with kit lens....hmmm

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That's great news about the amp glow. And seeing that most reviews now say Nikon have over taken Canon in the image noise department, my next camera will be a Nikon.

I've been watching on HotDeals UK. Dixons seem to be the ones to watch. They will match any price, include free delivery and you can also use a £20 money voucher. Plus Nikon are giving £60 cashback. Currently it's like this:

Best UK deal - £329 - Dixens match it

Money off code - £20

Delivery - free

Nikon cash back - £60

Total purchase price inc 18-55 - £249 :shock:

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The D40 certainly does well at high iso values.

Never tried my 350D at 1600 iso , most people suggest that 800 iso is the best compromise between noise and exposure time. Will have to try it sometime to see what the result is like.


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