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Did I see a nova..?


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Just witnessed a very strange event.

Location - Crowthorne, Berks.

Time - approx. 2146 Thu 29th March 2012.

Was looking out of my upstairs window to the east when I saw a brilliant flash of light above the star Arcturus. It lasted just a few secs and then faded quickly to virtually nothing. I'd say it was at least as bright as Venus if not slightly more.

Could it have been a nova..? I guess most people will think its a meteor or similar but it was unlike any meteor I've ever seen.

Anyone else see it..?



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Yep, I'd say an iridium flare. The "Heavens Above" website tells you what they are and when and where they are predicted to happen:

Help - Iridium Flares

A supernova is very faint and comes slowly to peak brightness over a number of days or sometimes weeks. Unless one happens very nearby of course :(

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ahh..thx all, an iridium flash eh, you learn something every day..!

just checked the heavens-above site and there wasn't one planned for tonight but I guess it must have been something to do with a satellite etc.

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Almost certainly one of the above suggestions. By the way, a nova brightens and fades over a period of days and weeks, not in the short timescale that you observed.

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