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OK Orion is in the west right now.................

A bright object "west of" or to the "North" of Orions feet is the panet Venus.

Venus right now is about level with Rigel..........................very bright and big.

Its the planet Venus you are looking at.

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it's massive, low and very very bright, the brightest thing in the sky atm and possibly the brighteast i've ever seen

not very helpful eh :)

about 17 fingers width above the horizon that is (usually :) ) north

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Venus is just about the brightest of the planets visible no matter how far or near it is.

You must have a great clear view to the west horizon to still see Venus at this time.

It vanished from view here a couple of hours ago.

Can you see a fainter point of light below it?...............if so that is the planet Jupiter.

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vawnidge, i would download stellarium. its FREE ! and you can find zoom in on areas, see info on thousands of objects . you will find it a massive help when you want to put a name to an object your unsure of.

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I'm fairly lucky here.Live at the top of a hilly road and it's just bungalows.To the west is just fields.

Still don't get Jupiter for very long though.But I'm hoping to see Saturn for the first time tonight.if the wispy stuff clears.

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