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How astronomy and sgl saved my sanity


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As recently as the year 1bc (before children) i had many hobbies (surfing, golf, rugby to name a few) but for the last 15 yrs my free time was mostly spent doing things with the kids. Now however they would rather have teeth pulled than spend time with mum and dad so i've been at a loose end finding something to fill my time. that is until i discovered astronomy and you guys. the time i spend at the bottom of the garden with just me, my scope and the stars is a godsend and when the clouds or that big orange star make it impossible to stargaze then i've got SLG. Everyone is so helpful and friendly and my wife is happy to see me excited about something again. At least now i've got something to fill the hours til my kids get to the age where they want to spend time with there parents again (as long as i'm not out stargazing). So in short thanks astronomy and a big thanks to SGL.

if this is posted it the wrong place i'm sorry. if a moderator would like to move it feel free.

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Maybe the reason the kids don't want to spend time with you is because it's 'mam', not 'mum'! (NOTE: This comment has been made in complete jest, with a big cheesy smile on my face, and is meant to be taken with no seriousness at all - well, apart from the fact it is 'mam' and not 'mum' - that part should be taken seriously! :))


This place is a godsend though - I feel like a budding astronomer, something I quite frankly didn't have the first clue about 2 months ago - and it's all down to this forum (along with help from the local astronomy club and some books) ;)

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Maybe the reason the kids don't want to spend time with you is because it's 'mam', not 'mum'! (NOTE: This comment has been made in complete jest, with a big cheesy smile on my face, and is meant to be taken with no seriousness at all - well, apart from the fact it is 'mam' and not 'mum' - that part should be taken seriously! :))



sorry, i'm an Aussie, it's mum. (also in jest) lol

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Good to hear. Its a very exciting time when you're into something new. Especially something as fascinating as astronomy. My wife does think I've lost it and I can feel her eyeballs rolling behind my back when I go on about it. Ha.

By the way, we are a strict 'Mam' family here, difficult with the kids watching all the programmes from elsewhere with Mom and Mum. It is a NIGHTMARE trying to find a card on Mothers day with Mam on it LOL


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my mum is a MUM:D and as it was her's and Grandma's money that paid for half of my scope this year i won't be changing:D

and yes, i know i'm 44 and should be using my own money for toys now haha

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I'm the bank to my kids (19 & 22) and in Wales its definitely mam lol

the thing about astronomy is you have all bases covered - you can read up and learn new things all the time day or night, you don't have to rush anywhere cos its getting dark and it can be as social or as isolated as you want it to be.

I'm so glad I found my way into it (and this forum which is the single biggest aid to astronomy I could have found)

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