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BST/ Star guider

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HI. Anyone out there familiar with BST explorer eye pieces?, I've heard a lot of good reports on them, so much so I thought I'd buy one....My problem is, it is not easy getting hold of them and the only site I know of who sell them is "sky's the limit". so I contacted them, with the view to buying the 8mm, the guy was very helpful but told me there was a mix up with the branding and the company which supply the EP was under a different brand known as "star Guider". What i want to know is as anyone bought one? are they the same EP as BST explorer? Kind regards Vince :)

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I have just purchased three BST EP's (see below) and the 8mm is in fact marked Starguider, but is the same lens. Apparently this manufacture (not BST by the way) makes these lenses for all over the world and re-brands them accordingly, so they are known under different names. Alan tells me that he bought these in as BST's but that they were re-branded somewhere along the line but are definite the same EP.

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