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rosette nebula

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Hi All,

Tried to get some pics of the rosette nebula last night but failed badly, Over 1 1/2 hrs in total made up of 1m30s subs at an iso of 1600, 30 darks and 20 flats.

Ngc2244 is shown very clearly in the centre of the final pic, but even after processing there is no sign of the Rosette nebula.

Is this a hard target for a light polluted back garden or am I doing something wrong.


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A little off topic here, but are you using the EQ3-2 Goto mount? Just wandering how you are getting on with 90sec subs, just good polar alignment?

Im finding i cant get more than 60secs! :) lol

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Sounds like you were doing something wrong.

I've seen it visually from 5VLM skies with a 10" Dob + O-III filter. So it ain't that hard.

Like I said NGC 2244 is crystal clear even by eye and even better in the pics.

A little off topic here, but are you using the EQ3-2 Goto mount? Just wandering how you are getting on with 90sec subs, just good polar alignment?

Im finding i cant get more than 60secs! :) lol

I can get 90 secs with no problems, I have had 1m 50 secs but that was a one off, I stick around 1m20s to 1m40s depending on what pics look like after i have taken 3 or 4 to check quality. I do however check polar alingment 3 or 4 times before I start to image.


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On the same note of the Rosette Neb, i have some data here, its 5 x 60sec subs and i can JUST start to make out the nebula around NGC2244....ill reprosess it and post it up for reference if you like?


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I had a go at the Rosette last night, needs allot of processing & fiddling (coming out too much red). But was on 4 min subs.

If you had 1 1/2 hours total, which included 30 darks & 20 flats - how many light frames did you take - that can't much (if any) time for them ???

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Kev > Bewdley here, LP is ok to be honest but ive still got an LP filter coming because some nights can be pretty bad if im honest, ie. Last night, even @ ISO800 my 60sec subs were still orange, i dont think ive ever had a sub come out 'black sky' lol :) Would be nice, but just doesnt happen i think!

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30 darks


20 Darks at 1m each = 25 min ish

20 Flats which took about 2-3 mins to do total

39 1.5m subs =60min ish

I think its a problem between Like Eddy says LP being bad and ISO too high 1600

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But even then you should still see something! There has to be! :)

Agree - there must be something.

This is a single sub from last night (4mins @ iso800) - I find iso 1600 too high (for the noise). It's very harsh editing, to show, but it's captured the neb colours.


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you do in well getting the sub lengths you are

Always have to delete first sub due to camera/mount shake bu tin general i can get 1m30s without too much problem

here is my m42 from last month, not the best, but for me a masterpiece

And M31 which was post processed by another member, sorry but forgot name.




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Nice pics Kev :)

Were they both @ 90sec subs to?

M42 was but if I remember rightly M31 was only about 25x 1m10s

It's an Ha object so a lot will depend on the standard visible light filter used in your camera. Some cut most of the Ha, some cut less. I don't know yours though.


Camera is a pentax ist dl I dont know what internal filters the camera has.


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