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Non modded DSLR, Nebula targets ........


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Hi all,

Can you please help / chuck ideas at me ??

I won't mod my dslr, it used for too much other stuff. So i'll eventually be investing in a CCD camera.

In the meanwhile, i'd still like to be imaging neb (even if I have to faff / take more time).

Would anyone please have a list of possible good nebula targets, for me to image ??? (South view is a good, clear one for all evening)

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Ive got 1.5 hours on IC405 which hasnt really produced a LOT of detail yet, but i intend on getting another 3/4 hours this evening if the clouds hold out, so will hopefully bring a little more detail out....hopefully LOL

I to am using an unmodded camera so would be interested in hearing the suggestions, anything around Orion is a no go zone for me, since it sits right behind my house, so im N/NE/NW and thats it....so quite limited really! :)

Good look Scarlet, let me know how you get on! :)

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Thanks all - will look at those.

Have a few stacked so far (monkey head last night was interesting), want to do rough a rough set of images. Then go back re-visit & do a detailed image.

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Rosette & M42 are good starting points.

So pleased you put that one - it's out there, pointing at the Rosette churning away at the mo.


There are some gorgeous stars in the rosette !!

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