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In an effort to make my viewing/imaging more pleasurable I'm about to revamp my whole equipment list.

In the past I've been using a Meade 8inch Schmidt Newtonian for DS imaging and a 127mm F9 refractor for planetary and Lunar viewing, both are large and quite heavy. The mount has been a Celestron CG-5 with an Ioptron Gotonova EQ kit. While the mount tracks quite well it has been very problematic due to Ioptron's lack of customer commitment, after six years they still haven't got the ASCOM driver sorted. Added to which I'm structurally not 100%, Degenerative Disc Disease in the lower back and a recent discectomy, plus Adhesive Capsulitus (Frozen Left Shoulder) which makes lifting the two current scopes a real health hazzard. To this

end my replacement scope of choice is going to be the Skywatcher ED80 DS-Pro.

Now to the questions (eventually I hear the cry). Because they appear to be a near industry standard in the amateur astronomy community I've been looking at the HEQ5 and NEQ6. I presume the biggest, if only, difference is the load carrying capacity between the two as the advertised spec for tracking accuracy appears to be the same. In the short term the HEQ5 would probably be the better option, due to my feeble lifting capability, but as money is no object (according to my wife) what differences, apart from load carrying capability, are there between the two mounts.



Otley, West Yorkshire.

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Apart from the payload capacity, and the fact that the EQ6 weighs a lot more, there is no difference between them. If you are downsizing to an ED80, the HEQ5 will be just the job.

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There are reports that the HEQ5 also tracks better than the NEQ6 with lighter payloads. I have the same setup as you are proposing (HEQ5 and ED80 DS-Pro)and can image unguided for 3 minutes with a webcam (so approx equal to 6mm eyepiece) without noticeable trails.

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I've just moved from a HEQ5 to NEQ6 and the obvious difference is in the weight of the thing - the 6 is about 50% heavier, with big fat sturdy legs. I suspect it copes better when there is a little bit of wind. It also has a higher capacity.

I can only just carry it, with weights and scopes attachd, the 50 or so yards I need to. I suspect the whole lot comes in around 50kg.

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I've owned both the HEQ5 and EQ6 and had them side by side a few times.

If you don't tend to upgrade the scope in the near future then for the ED80 pro it's got to be the HEQ5. They share the same gearing and more or less the same components and are equally accurate. The main difference is the load capacity of the EQ6 is superior.

I much prefer the HEQ5, it's lighter, easier to handle and if using EQMOD the RJ45 is a neater connector than the 9 pin serial sticking out. Both scopes guide out pretty well.

As has been pointed out the EQ6 is a bit of a lump to lug about if you're setting up each night but to be fair so is the HEQ5, it's just a lighter lump !

I'd go for the HEQ5 if I were you.

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Thank you everyone who replied. I wasn't sure if there was any difference between the two with regard to the electronics and accuracy.

It's an awkward decision as one minute the HEQ5 is winning favour with me due to the lower price but the next the NEQ6 is slowly overtaking as I'm loath to part with the 8inch Schmidt Newt and I think the HEQ5 would struggle with that OTA and associated gubbings.

However, when all is said and done, I've pretty much decided that for the forseable future the no hassle operation of the ED 80 ( if you've ever tried to collimate a fast SNT you'll know what I mean ) and the more transportable quality of the HEQ5 I'll be going with the lighter rig once I can get some time of work to arrange delivery.

Once again thanks all for the excellent advice.


Otley, West Yorkshire.

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