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First proper night,and something a bit weird!

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Well tonight was my first proper clear night with my 200p eq5.

Wow,what can I say.It was amazing.

First thing I spotted was Venus and Jupiter close together.Next doors roof meant I couldn't quite get Jupiter in the scope.

Venus was lovely and clear.Couldnt see any detail but it appeared round rather than a blob of light.

Using the x-cel lx 9mm was the best view.putting in the x-cel 5mm made it bigger but didn't look as sharp as the 9mm.

Then I went for a browse with the stock 25mm and I really was expecting it to be rubbish but I think it's my favourite so far.

To the south at about 50 degrees at 9 o clock I found a cluster of some sort,not sure which one,but it was a cluster of stars tightly packed together with some swishing going on.

I stayed on it for about 15 mins because it looked great,when I noticed a white light that looked like a star traveling down in a straight line and after about 10 seconds it had gone.

Does anybody know what it's likely to have been? Awesome to watch.

Finally I used the star chart iPad app to find where mars was,and sure enough it was there,and pretty bright.

I fount it with the 25mm,then switched back to the x-cel 9mm and just like Venus it was a nice round ball.

I tried the 5mm which made it look pretty good with a hint of colour.I'm talking a tiny just off white colour.

When I ordered the scope last week I picked the 5mm and 9 mm x-cel ep's thinking they would be of the best use.But the 5mm was hard to use so I actually prefer the 9mm and the stock 25mm.

Anyway sorry for the long post,I'm just so chuffed with what I've been able to see and I just want to tell everyone.


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The cluster sounds like m45 the paliedies (apologies for spelling on my phone) they are really nice to view. The swishing light have been the atmosphere

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I just checked out a picture of m45 and it does look like the one.

Cheers mate.

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Yes I just looked at the photos I took and I see what you mean.It looks like I can see about a third of it.

I'll post some pics here this afternoon.Word of warning though,they're not very good.its harder than I thought trying to hold a camera at the eyepiece without shaking.

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I think you are right Matt.I kept picking up the mount and pointing it in different directions and it was just left from Venus.Next doors roof kept getting in the way so I moved the mount at least a dozen times.

Tonight I'll try and catch Jupiter before it disappears behind the roof.Weather permitting of course.;)


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Ive looked at Jupiter a few times, but as the days goes on its getting blocked by the House infront earlier and earlier, and with the clocks changing soon i dont think ill be able to see it much longer. But Saturn should start coming into view earlier, and looking at Saturn is just amazing. Although i must say looking at M45 has to be one of my best views yet.

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