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The Imaging Source camera range are extremely good, they are highly recommended for planetary and Lunar use and many have even managed to get great images of the brighter Messier Catalogue objects such as the Clusters, Andromeda Galaxy and the Orion Nebulae.

The 618 chip is reported to be even more sensitive to light and is highly sought after.

I have the DBK41 Colour Camera and have not been disappointed, I don't have much time for the image processing so the colour version suits me. Of course the Mono version is better if you have time to process the RGB!

I've never heard of any problems at 60 fps!

Take a look at this review of the older DFK21AU04.AS

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I'm definitely thinking of the DMK21AU618.AS later on for planetary imaging. It looks very good :) Will need a LRGB filter set as well, of course.

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I have the filter set but no wheel yet. I'm lazy and so want a motorised wheel as I control everything from inside the house.

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I'm building my own remote controlled filter wheel. In fact more than one. A 5 filter one taking 36mm unmounted filters to go with my DSLR for DSOs and a pair of 5 filter ones taking 1.25" filters for planetary and smaller format camera.
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A 5 filter one taking 36mm unmounted filters to go with my DSLR for DSOs

Forgive me for asking - (I don't really spend much time imaging as I don't have the time for processing) Is there really any point in this with a DSLR as it has a colour CCD? If so what are the benefits and would this be worth it with a colour Imaging Source DBK camera like mine?

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My idea is to use a modified DSLR (IR filter removed) in conjunction with NB filters such as Ha and maybe NIR. Whether I can get this to work with my 1100D remains to be seen. Later on I may be able to save up for a full blown astro camera.

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My idea is to use a modified DSLR (IR filter removed) in conjunction with NB filters such as Ha and maybe NIR. Whether I can get this to work with my 1100D remains to be seen.

I guess everything is worth a try,:) but I wouldn't think it's worth forking out for those filters unnecessarily - unless you have other plans for them.

I would imagine that someone has been tried this before probably with one of the other Canon EOS DSLR's in the range - I don't know if it has worked for anybody or whether you are following advice from someone else's success.:)

Most people including the likes of Nick Szymanec use the clip in Baader filter mod for their Canon DSLR, this seems to be enough to get some rather superb DSO images. I don't wish to put you off your experimentation; by all means go ahead - especially if you already have the filters knocking around. If you are going to use HA I suggest using the wider 35nm band pass. I Hope this helps. :)

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I guess everything is worth a try,:) but I wouldn't think it's worth forking out for those filters unnecessarily - unless you have other plans for them.
I might upgrade to a full blown astro camera in a year or two.
I would imagine that someone has been tried this before probably with one of the other Canon EOS DSLR's in the range - I don't know if it has worked for anybody or whether you are following advice from someone else's success.:)
No, I don't know either. Just something I'd like to try. Won't be for a while though.
Most people including the likes of Nick Szymanec use the clip in Baader filter mod for their Canon DSLR, this seems to be enough to get some rather superb DSO images. I don't wish to put you off your experimentation; by all means go ahead - especially if you already have the filters knocking around. If you are going to use HA I suggest using the wider 35nm band pass. I Hope this helps. :)
No, I don't already have the filters - thank you for your advice :)
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