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Jupiter and Venus over Balham!

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Nice :)

M45 and Hyades in there too i see! I might try some low zoom pics tonight, see if i can get anything to stack with my point and shoot 8sec exposure hehe

Sent from a Galaxy S 2 far away.

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Hey Alex, thanks!

I used an ancient manual Nikon 24mm lens on a Canon 5D. I actually can't remember what settings I used - it was probably quite open, something like f4 at a lowish ISO - 320 or so for around 8secs? Perhaps!

A bit of colouring on Photoshop (which is why the darker areas have that aliased look). The only real trick was combining two shots, one focused on infinity for the stars, and one close focus for the scope. If I had stopped down at a higher f number I probably wouldn't have needed to do this!

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