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Flame nebula


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Bit blowy out there tonight and another rush job with the setting up. Bright moon isnt helpin gmuch but I wanted to try this anyway. No luck bringing out the famous gee gee (underexposed?) this is a collection of a mere 5 and half minutes of 20s exposures. Trouble is with Orion zipping over the rooftops and the brighter sky background of the earlier shots, coupled with the moon being so close and big and a strong chilly breeze, a good 75% of the subs have been trashed and the ones that were good were not exactly good..

Any suggestions for the horsey or is it just a case of needing much longer exposures?

Any feedback appreciated as usual



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You can definately make out the flame, nice pics under difficult circumstances:) I've heard that you need quite a bit of exposure to bring out the horse or a mod'd slr and still a fair amount of exposure..

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Nice capture in the circumstances!

Horsey is very feint, as mentioned, modded DSLR and 2 - 3 minute subs, 2 - 3hrs total minimum really to start to bring it out properly.

That said, I think you missed it, it's off the bottom left of your image, at about 90 degrees to the flame from Alnitak. I think :-)


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Thankyou very much, I think it should be in the frame although I could be wrong (posted image was cropped heavily to better deal with the flame). My suspicion and my greatest hurdle atm is exposure times. On a good day I can achieve upto 90secs, on a bad day 20s looks dodgy :/

Good to know there is light at the end of the tunnel, though I suspect your extra 110mm of aperture did the world of good bunny. I'll give it another go should the opportunity arise but I think its going to be next winter before I can make a serious attempt - hoping to have an eq mount by then.

Appreciate all the advice/comments :)

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