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Trying to view mars


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Im currently outside viewing mars but im a little dissapointed, im going to stick at it for a few hours.

All i can see is is an orange glow is that the best im going to see it or will it become clearer during the night?

Im using a Dob 200p 8" . 10mm eye piece and 2x barlow

Am i doing something wrong

Thanks ;)

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Im currently outside viewing mars but im a little dissapointed, im going to stick at it for a few hours.

All i can see is is an orange glow is that the best im going to see it or will it become clearer during the night?

Im using a Dob 200p 8" . 10mm eye piece and 2x barlow

Am i doing something wrong

Thanks ;)

that gives about 240x which may have been too much for the seeing. I got my best views last night with about 180-200x and a 6" scope. Mars is tricky and rewards with prolonged observing with a well cooled and collimate scope. your scope is well capable so wait a bit longer and as it cools more and the planet gets higher it will probably improve the view.

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I have been looking for the past couple of hours as my 925 tracks it, as it has risen higher and the 925 has cooled down I have had some pleasant views although conditions are not as good as last weekend, power is at 180x using my 13mm Ethos.

Good luck with your observations Irvine ;)

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If I remember rightly from other posts, the standard 10 mm is not so good so maybe try barlowing the 25mm if you have it.

I've been viewing tonight with the 106 mm frac at between 172 and 230 x and have been getting some nice views despite some high hazy cloud. Polar cap clearly visible plus some detail on the surface.

Should improve as it gets higher and the atmosphere stabilises hopefully. Keep at it, Mars is pretty much at it's closest for this apparition so make the most of it, it will start getting smaller from 5th onwards.


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Just had a look myself and I can see polar cap and markings best I've seen this year, contrast not great tho.

I'm using sweet 200p @ 240x with variable polarizing filter

Hope this helps

Also standard 10mm sweet eye piece its so good I'm using 10mm Antares plosl and talk 2x barlo


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Tried again tonight, cant make any detail out at all, its bugging me now. All im getting is an orangey glowing spot, cant make out any polar cap.

Just this minute used the collomating tool and scope was slightly out but no diffrence


That was taken off my phone but it is what i see, is that right?

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Quite strange Irvine6 as Mars has been looking pretty good lately.

Are you getting good sharp views of jupiter and it's moons? Can you see the two main belts? Are you seeing mars as a disc, just with no detail?

Although mars is small, there is a surprising amount of detail to be seen on it currently with the right magnification.

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Seeing conditions play a major role in the results you will get, if you have an android device download astro panel has all the information you'll need to know when is the best time to look.

Are you waiting for your scope to cool before using it as this will greatly improve viewing.

I would also recommend upgrading the stock EP's as better EP's will show greater contrast.


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Yea thats a good description im seeing just a glowing orange disc. I was impressed with jupiter i could make out the main belts and see its moons.

I will take a look at that software and maybe in the future purchase some new eye pieces.

Im sticking at it though and now waiting for my first saturn ;)

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Not sure what else to suggest other than to try again another night in case it is poor seeing. Did you try barlowing the 25mm which is a better ep?

If you are seeing detail on jupiter then there can't be too much wrong. Mars tends to take higher magnification than jupiter as it's features are more defined/higher contrast


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Yea just a smallish dot on the 25mm barlowed cant make out anything. Thinking new ep's is the way to go. My 25mm says wide angle does that make a diffrence? Sorry if i sound daft im still learning.

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I don't know much about the spec of the standard lenses but the 25mm will be lower power and possibly with a wider field of view. I only suggested using it because I've read that the standard 10mm is not great but the 25mm is ok.

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Wide angle refers to the field of view, the standard 10mm EP I found is not good at all barlowed which might be the issue your having. Also what Barlow are you using a cheap one will also cause poor viewing, personally I highly recommend the TAL from FLO.

Another tip is try looking to the side of Mars throught the EP as the centre of your eye isn't as sensitive.


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Im using the tal from flo as i heard good things about it ;)

Ive actualy just been out now and was able to make out some very faint black marks on mars. Certainly alot better than before.

Was hoping to see saturn as its still clear but might be still a little low so i think i will get couple hours sleep and get up about 3am and see if i can see it

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Ive actualy just been out now and was able to make out some very faint black marks on mars. Certainly alot better than before.

well done Irvine, the dob will give some fantastic views of many jewels of the night sky. Glad you view of Mars impoved this time around ;)

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Excellent sounds about the same as what I've seen so far, I'm still trying to catch Saturn myself with new scope. Seen it once at low mag and your in for a treat


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as others have said, the seeing makes a massive difference with Mars in particular. last night I had a look and the view was quite poor through some reasonably hefty wisps of cloud and with e.g. Saturn/Jupiter the view would have been far better.

everything really needs to come together for a good, sharp and detailed view of Mars.

there will certainly be other chances this apparition but they will begin to reduce over the next week or two.

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It's also the case that whilst Mars is comparatively close to us, it's also quite small. At the same magnification I'd estimate that it's easily less than half the apparent width of Jupiter, for instance.


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