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Difference Between Auto & Goto

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Hi guys / girls I was just about to purchase a 250px flexi Goto scope

and accidently came across a site in Germany that sell the 250 px flexi auto and this would save me £400 can you please tell me what the difference is between auto & goto

Also if anyone knows how much does it cost to replace a straight line finder scope for a right angled one


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Presumably Auto means that once you find and get the object in view that the scope will track at the correct rate, so maintaining it in view.

A goto will go and find the object for you then track it.

The difference is in the finding, Auto = you do it, Goto = Scope does it.

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The flexi auto model is now obsolete..having been replaced by the "goto" version.

As far as I can see the earlier "auto" model allowed you track objects once you located them manualy. The newer "goto" version has the motor encoders and computerised system with a db of objects etc... So it will do everything the earlier model did...plus the goto functionality...

Though as you have figured out...this does come at a price.

I've never used a dobsonian myself, but from what I've read people do love them for a more manual experience of locating stars without the use of computerised technology.....I dare say others on SGL will be able to give you a more in depth perspective of using a dob...


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Using a GOTO on a dobsonian seems a bit unusual, the fun of owning a dob is that you nudge it about to track stuff isn't it? Or have I misunderstood? If you want to use auto, get a motorised EQ5, I'm sure that would be a better option for the price, though slightly less portable. EQ5 option with GOTO starts getting a bit more costly though.

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Also bear in mind that although the headline price is attractive...you may find any after sales issues tricky buying from a dealer outside the UK.. I've no evidence at all that that is likely to be the case, but only my opinion...but I doubt I would fork out that kind of money....though I'm not a risk taker!

I guess you already had a search on FLO...but they still sell the 200mm version at £470... OK smaller...but less of a risk....

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I have a 200P Flex tube auto, it is basically an auto tracking scope. You can add a goto handset and this makes it a goto scope, the handset is £150. The main problem is backlash with the gear on these dobs but the goto has backlash compensation apparently. I am saving for the handset but there are some on here who have them already and will give you more advice. Great scope though.

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There are quite a number of UK based retailers still showing the Autos on their web pages but when you try and order one they are all out of stock. Many retailers seem remiss in updateing the sales pages of their sites. Also a number retailers don't actually stock these larger dobs but order them as and when from the distibutor. Now the German retailers may still have them in stock but as someone has laready pointed out they are discontinued and therefore old stock . Good luck. Let us know if the the Germans can still supply. Might have one myself at that price.

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I converted my Flextube auto to goto - it's just a straight handset change but you do need a version 3.0 handset or higher. And yes there's a bit of backlash - so it's best to finish centering up and left in the east and up/right in the west - then it tracks and "goes to" fine - mine keeps the object dead center for 30+ mins at a time :D

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