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More equipment price rises ?


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There are rumors on another forum that Baader are about to increase their prices by 10% - 15%.

It's obviously "that" time of year :D

We are aware Baader will be releasing a new price list in around two weeks but I don't think there is much to be concerned about. We are certainly not expecting 10-15% rises.

Was it an American forum John? Perhaps the euro-dollar exchange rate is working against them.



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I buy lots of optics from China all the time. Prices are increasing fast due to a combination of raw material increases (especially stuff brought into China e.g. Schott glass for eyepieces), increased labour costs (the workers of China also want increased living standards!) and a huge slide in US$ to Chinese Yuan exchange rate- meaning your dollar (or pound) buys a lot less than it used to 2 years ago.

EDIT- and, helpfully, our 'government' has devalued the pound by printing money (or quantitative easing as they prefer to call it). This kind of thing does not go unoticed by the international money markets, every time it makes the pound worth less and imports cost more. All your savings, pensions, house etc are all worth less too.....

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No alarm here John :D

We have noticed something that appears to have affected both Baader and Celestron, their Japanese-made products are proving difficult to source. We are hearing some of the Japanese optics factories were washed away in the tsunami so supply has been affected while they build new facilities. That might explain why some of the Japanese-made Baader Genuine orthoscopic eyepieces and filters are so difficult to source.

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.... That might explain why some of the Japanese-made Baader Genuine orthoscopic eyepieces and filters are so difficult to source.

I wonder if anticipation of such supply problems is behind the apparently forthcoming Baader Plossl range ?.

Their indicative pricing (55 euros) might suggest a Chinese rather than Japanese source.

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