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Auto tracking with 250px

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Where am I going wrong... :icon_scratch:

I am currently aligning north using the compass on my phone as I can't always see polaris. The OTA is set to 0 on the lat.

Power off - power on.

Set latitude.

Power off - power on

Navigate to object

Set tracking

It obviously tracks but not how it should be. I've not as yet observed if it always fails to track in the same direction but it certainly doesn't follow the way it is meant to.

I'm sure its probably me misunderstanding something or the compass on my phone is unreliable.

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I have no idea about the scope but is there a handset involved in this?

Just the steps seem a little odd.

1) The OTA is set to 0 on the lat.

2) Power off - power on.

3) Set latitude.

4) Power off - power on

5) Navigate to object

6) Set tracking

1 is OK,

2 - have heard people say this so will accept it.

3 - OK Latitude needs to be set.

4 - This one makes no sense.

Unless a handset is involved to know and keep the Latitude then I would have expected the system to lose the Latitude. Even if one is there to do so the steps are a little odd.

If it keeps the Latitude why power off, you are at the scenario after 4 as before 4. Both in effect have you powered on with Latitude, so step 4 appears redundant.

Sure I have read these steps previously - maybe you, and they just made no sense.

As said however I do not have one but they are my thoughts.

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The available instructions say:

(Note cannot see your specific scope)

1) The OTA is set to 0 on the lat.

2) Connect the controller and power on - no power previously.

3) Set longitude, latitude and other stuff.

4) Navigate to object

5) Set tracking

Cannot see the specific model you have on the Skywatcher site, but I would guess that what was step 4 is the problem.

My idea is that if 4 is required then 2 isn't.

Would say that 4 is the wrong one, at 1 you level the scope, at 2 the handset is powered on and will assume it is at the result of doing step 1. After this it gets and retains the Long+Lat until power is lost.

If you power off at 4 then on power up the handset again assumes that it is at step 1.

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If you set alignment in will track automatically.


1) Put in date,time,position etc.

2) When it comes to alignment choose yes.

3) Choose brightest star or 2 star alignment.

For first star move scope to rough position in eyepiece, press ok then centre.

Choose next star,scope will roughly align, centre when asked.

It should say alignment successful. It should now track any object no problem.


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OK is it just a Syntrek handset, you do not enter Long/Lat to the handset (correct ?)

If so then I wonder what most of the steps are for.

I would almost say that you should put the scope on level ground (or get it level by adjusting any feet), aim it north, aim it at Polaris by setting the Latitude, plug in the handset and call it a day. I think it should track by itself after that.

If as it looks the handset is a syntrek then powering on/off seems pointless as I don't think the handset has any concept of Latitude.

Equally that means that the power off/on is doing nothing either so shouldn't matter.

What Latitude are you setting?

Where are you? (Just in case)

Are you sure you are aimed North - is polaris basically dead ahead? (and up a bit:D)

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Rule number one have your Dob on a level base (spirit leveled). I have mine on a paving slab. You only need to set the lattitude once. Always start off from 0 alt having used the "up" key to set to 0 before switching off and on again. Slew to the target centering in eyepiece again finishing with the "up" key before activating tracking.

These scopes are nose heavy so you may need a counter weight as tracking issues are usually with alt tracking. Mine has always tracked great in AZ. One quirk you may notice is the scope tracks better on objects falling in the west. I actually only use a counter weight for tracking in the east.

What power supply are you using as a powertank is the most reliable.

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Setting the local latitude is not required to track an astronomical object but it greatly enhances the tracking accuracy.

It requires that you know the latitude of the observing site.

To set the latitude for the Northern Hemisphere, use the directional buttons to adjust the telescope tube until the latitude scale reads 0.

Turn off the power and turn it back on again. Now use the hand control to move the telescope tube until the latitude scale reads your local latitude.

Press the "Fast" and "Slow" buttons simultaneously to store the local latitude into the system (Fig.i).

This from Page 7 and seems to me the best (most sensible) option.

Never understood the "home" position. To me it should be either horizontal or pointing at Polaris. If Polaris then it is the same I think as above, so why not say that. If level say the same.

From above I interpret it as:

Level the base.

Level the scope = 0 on the scale.

Point scope North.

Plug in the handset, apply power (or just apply power)

Use the handset to get the scope at your latitude reading (effectively pointing at Polaris).

Press Fast+Slow simultanuously.

Use scope normally, do not power off.

I started by reading the Synscan option then the Syntrak handset instructions.

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Shure - I think we have the same scope, are you using the auto or goto version?

A couple of things that might help.

1) what format are you using for the latitude? and are you putting them in the right way round?

2) you definitely don't power off an on part way through the set up.

3) What choice do you put in for daylight saving? it should be N at this time of year.

4) Are you putting the date and time in the right format? Remember date is in the US format.

5) The instructions do say level is important as SpaceCowboy says.

I'll check back for updates. Quite a few of us have the 250PX so we'll soon get you sorted. :icon_scratch:

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Thanks for the advice guys, fingers crossed it'll be clear enough in the coming days for me to try again.

I am using the auto 250px so no worries about date/time etc.

I'll be sure to get the spirit level out this time and not turn it off half way through! :icon_scratch:

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