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This is just such a cool hobby!!!

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I am relatively new to this and most of you may laugh at this. But I have been out tonight with my Sky-watcher 127mm maksutov-Cassegrain with a go to mount and it is sooooo cool what you can see. I saw Saturn again and I still love looking at her, but I can't believe how Brit Sirrius is!

I know I will probably miss things and muck up sometimes but getting to know the night sky is the best feeling.

Just needed to share that with people!



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hi nice to see you havin fun and enjoying yourself the sky is cloudy here not had my scope out for over a week as i had an operation on my hand so cannot lift my scope outside ,another week and i should be back out viewing again all being well and weather permitting,in the mean time keep havin fun and keep us posted with the things you see


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Hey John,

See, so excited that I mix up Saturn with Jupiter.

Trust me to get it wrong with a moderator!! I don't do things by half....

I am in Salisbury so not far from you

No probs - it's an easy mistake to make, especially when you are excited :icon_eek:

I've mistaken stars for Saturn in the past and stared for a few minutes at them with my scope wondering where the rings had gone :)

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I loved it tonight i came home from my delivery run, put my bins out to cool for a bit, made a cup of tea and sat out the back looking up and just observing, i love it i cant wait to get my scope just a little bit more to save:(. Have you downloaded this yet its a wicked program and it was the first thing people on here told me to get Stellarium it is very informative and even tells you whats in the sky at the exact time you look so you wont make any more mistakes:D. I used to think the plough was pegasus:o a couple of years ago.

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I can sense your excitement and it reminds me of how I was with my first scope. Jupiter is brilliant but when you see Saturn your jaw really will drop. And there's loads more cool stuff to discover up there that you have yet to enjoy.

It's the best time I ever had in the freezing cold too lol :)

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I love this hobby too, I saw jupiter up in the night sky when I was coming home from work one evening back in November & thought to myself that's it I'm going to get myself a scope. I've never looked back since. As soon as the scope arrived I was straight in the garden having a quick look around the night sky. As one poster has said when you first see Saturn it will blow you away & they are absoloutley right. I just wish I took it up years ago. I've managed to get some pretty good images of planets since owning the scope via the webcam although first attempts were pretty poor at best.

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