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R.I.P. , john braithwaite


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just to let you all know i heard the sad news today that john braithwaite passed away a few days ago , im sure some of you on here would have known him personally as well as known him by reputation ,

John Braithwaite came from Hamilton in Lanarkshire. Graduated from Strathclyde University in 1967 with a BA in Business Administration. Worked in the Defence Industry and for Templeton's Carpets; was Technical Supervisor on the Glasgow Parks Dept. Astronomy Project. Since then the only maker of astronomical telescopes in Scotland. Consultant to the Strathclyde University Flexible Mirror Project and to Airdrie Observatory, which ASTRA runs for Monklands District Council.

The Optically Unchallenged John Braithwaite | Brompton Bicycle

here`s to john :D

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John Braithwaite ,like his father before him worked for the optical firm Charles Frank , wen this closed in 1979 John stated his own company Crystal Optics which later became Braithwaite Telescopes , he was the Last Scottish Telescope manufacturer , in 1978 John helped in the restoration of Airdrie Observatory and in the 1990s when I worked at the coat's observatory in Paisley he helped us restore parts of the 5 inch Cooke refractor and supplied us with eypecies , more recently John was involved with maintinice of of our 10inch Cooke refractor at the mills Observatory in Dundee , the flexibile mirror ended up in the SDI program and its quite possible it was deployed in one of the DOD shuttle flights ! more recently John was involved in developing 3D TV systems using optics and he supplied me with 3D screens we also had him at one of our science nights at the Mills Observatory demonstrating 3D

* Airdrie Observatory which I was one of the former curators is now run by the Airdrie Astronomical Association for North Lanarkshire Council

I had know John for over 30 years and will miss him

Robert Law ( Mills Observatory Dundee)

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