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mars and eyepieces

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hellloooo! been looking at mars tonight and found it really small and fuzzy, cant see a disk clearly and im getting lots of colours around it. Does anyone know if its just that its small this time of year or am i doing something wrong with my scope. I using my 20mm eyepiece with a 3xbarlow lens, is it too much magnification? Also does anyone know when it will be best to view mars? thanks :0) S.J

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Mars IS really small and fuzzy pretty much all the time. It really need a large aperture scope and loads of magnification to get good results. It will be incredibally small in a 5" scope such as yours, but i honestly think that 3X barlow is way too much magnification for your scope to handle.

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The luck of mars, sometimes it's a red fuzzy disc, other times clear as a whistle with sharp contrast on the polar caps and breath taking, iv even managed Phobos and demos under very good conditions with a 14" newt. My old 10" dob use to give me good views to. Eye pieces can make a difference, don't get to hyped up with barlows :D

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I was going to slide off to bed, but Saturn will be above the horizon in about 20mins. I've just set my 'scope up, found some warm clothes and poured myself a glass of single malt. Cue clouds!!

Maybe I'll try my luck on Mars until the ringed beauty appears, it doesn't like me though. :D

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Dont give up with Mars - even with a small scope!

For me in 2010 Mars only delivered surface detail when very close to its opposition with us (march 3rd this time).

Mars is going to be almost (but not quite) the same apparent size as it was in 2010, although I dont think it will get as high in the sky, so the seeing will probably be at more of a premium.

Just so you know (and to give you some hope) - my scope has a smaller apeture than yours and i could clearly make out an ice cap and a dark area (Syrtis Major) last time around. I was using EPs to give mags of 166x and even up to 200x!!

Seeing conditions count for a lot with planets - even if you have a huge scope capable of giving detail up to 300x, it will do you no good if the seeing conditions only allow for 150-200x. Also I find with a large scope that Mars/Jupiter can be too bright, which washes out all the colour and detail, and then have to put filters on, or cover most of your apeture anyway!

Dont give up, and you might get a nice suprise if the seeing is good at the beginning of March.:D


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yeah i got some good views of jupiter earlier and an okish view of venus then it clouded over :0( looks like its in for the rest of the night too.

Same here - got up about 5:30 this morning - left the scope to cool down in the -5c outside then got my 25mm on Saturn for a few minutes-then got my 8mm out - nothing - total darkness - still having difficulty with this lens? No - in the space of 10 minutes probabaly I'd gone from total clear skies to total cloud cover - oh well will live to fight another day and now I'm not going to waste half the morning in bed.:D

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