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small tracking mount choices


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hey guys i know you probally gotten fed up of my past posts but i thought id do this one

im still looking (saving but put a goal into the near future) for a small tracking mount that litterly takes seconds to set up for my camera to do AP with

in the market theres the

astrotrac - it can be guided but it does need at least 2 fairly expensive tripod heads which does make its rather attractive £450 closer to 600

fornax not much infomation kicking around on the net by this (being sold by 365astronomy £349) its effectivly like the astrotrac (but has an adapter to use a eq3-2 polar scope for £6.50) their wedge comes to £135 (astrotracs £298) but it does fit on the ksons. so id be lookin at £360ish but not really tested as much as the AT

vixon polarie again not much in the field but pictures of it do show real promise price around £400 but no idea about polar or tripod heads ect

i noticed somthing about the "toast pro" no idea what this is like found this TOAST-Pro... Looks very cool! - Astronomy Forums | Telescope Forums & Reviews | Astronomy Community

is there any other devices in the wild similar? cheaper or same price ish

and which you any one advise me to "save for"

thanks guys any help very appreaceted

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Right, so I have a bit more time to post now. I can't really give any advice as I haven't used any but I have looked into some of these products the last day or so and have been wondering the same thing.

I believe I know the answer to which I would chose but would like to weigh the options up more if I ever do decide to make a move on one.

Firstly there is this Losmandy Starlapse that I have only just found so I need to look further into but it has thrown a spanner in my thinking but on initial looks it seems good, although it has a fair selection of accessories to bump the price up.

Losmandy StarLapse System

The astrotrac I really liked originally but I think now that there are more portable options around it has slipped down the list.

The Vixen I only saw yesterday and it seems fairly adaptable, you can get a tripod and ballhead as a package with it but I think you can use any tripod that's sturdy enough and maybe even a different ballhead too. Don't quote me on it though.

The biggest plus for me is the portability but the biggest con is probably it's max weight of 3.4lbs.

At the moment I'd need to be talked out of getting one than being talked into it.

There is also that musicbox thing I linked to above but it would drive me mad so it's out. But it does seem to do what it says reasonably well.

And the other option that I have been toying with would be to get a Pentax K-r or K-5 and to get the GPS add on.. http://stargazerslounge.com/sponsor-announcements-offers/144267-pentax-0-gps1-adapter-pentax-dslr-cameras.html

Ok if you don't already own a Pentax then you'd need to get one but it does seem very easy and portable, and when you look at some of the other products cost with accessories then the price of camera plus add on doesn't seem too bad.

I like the look of the Toast too but it is pricey.

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In addition to those mentioned, there are

Eyeball CD1 Eyeball CD1

like Toast Pro, I've never seen one, but it seems quite popular in the Far East. A bit cheaper than a Vixen Polarie

Vixen - GP2 Photo Guider

Cost about the same as an Astrotrac after you add the polarscope, 2 heads and a tripod for the latter.

Kenko Sky Memo Camera Mount - SCS Astro

saw one on ABS last month

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That Eyeball CD1 is cool, and if translate is correct 345 Euro before accessories.

The Losmandy does seem good but now there are products I can just put in my camera bag and go. As you say not aircraft luggage friendly.

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thanks guys for the suggestions and i hope iv helped collating them all together for every one :)

the kenko does seem a little pricey (£845) but if the specs are true it would be a cracking mount for widefield

Focal Length - 50mm, Max. exposure - 70 minutes.

Focal Length - 100mm, Max. exposure - 40 minutes.

Focal Length - 135mm, Max. exposure - 35 minutes.

Focal Length - 200mm, Max. exposure - 30 minutes.

Focal Length - 300mm, Max. exposure - 15 minutes.

iv seen the vixen before (actually forgot about it)

althrough the specs for exposure times dont seem---- alot

50mm About 30 mins

100mm About 10 mins

200mm About 5 mins

but for $900+ no doubt the same in stirling

the eyebell seems really really good, at quite a reasonable price, 34800 yen (288ish) but without any options. althrough i would say this option probally seems best against the £900 astrotrack set Mount CD-1 & NewKDS set Ⅱ

51,600 yen(£427)

the losmondy system does seem really really good, i quite like the fact that it can be upgraded to a proper gem mount with a dec axis. $575 - £365 (althrough after vat and customs and delivery, £450+?) but i do really like it

the music box ,im actually seriously considering giving it a go, althrough like pibbles above i can imagine it will really really bug me with twinkle twinkle :) i wonder if it will be possiable to change it:P any ideas when it will go into stock, or prices over here?

lol theres my thoughts guys whats yours?

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i just spoken to a customer support for opti-corp and he said apparently the guy who makes them is in a very serious fiancial condution due to the earthquake

which if it is true is a really bad shame. does any one have any ideas how it worked?

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The losmandy system looks the business to me with plenty of flexibility for time lapse photography. The only down side is the weight of the thing 4kg! not exactly aircraft friendly.

I've just been sent one of these photo trigger systems to do a review on it, it looks like it would be a perfect partner for a DSLR setup

Kev - I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on the PhotoTrigger once you have had the opportunity to give it a good field test.


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The guy that made my lightning trigger makes something similar, the one Kev has been sent looks far more whizz bang though.

I wouldn't mind finding a better link for the Eyeball CD1 as well but am not having any luck. All that comes up is this thread.

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What's wrong with the EQ1? Well, I'm in the process of finding out. Once I have a good procedure for reducing Polar Alignment error to under 5 arcminutes I will have a look at the RA behaviour (stability of motor, periodic error in the worm etc).

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I wouldn't mind finding a better link for the Eyeball CD1 as well but am not having any luck. All that comes up is this thread.

Here are some links for the CD1 (in Japanese/ Chinese)

GR-D????????????CD-1+???? -

???? :: ???? - ??CD-1?????

Google translate for the first link is hard to understand. It worked better for the second link. There are some useful infor about 1/4 way down with some sample pictures. Apparently the CD1 can take 3-4 minutes sub with a Borg 60ED + DSLR.

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