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Blown budget on mount - need decent cheapish telescope

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So I have read 'Making every photon count' from cover to cover and have taken all the advice that I read here perhaps too literally. I've blown my budget on a HEQ5 pro having found one second hand in great nick for £500.

I'm left with very little wiggle room for an actual telescope. I plan to get a reflector for DSO photography and was originally intending to get a 200p but that may be out of reach for now. Can anyone suggest any little bargains that i may be able to track down on astro buy and sell or fleabay? budget around £100 or less.

I know i'm doing the right thing spending most of my budget on the best mount i can afford but it is a bit useless without something to look through!

Much obliged for any advise/suggestions and encouragement that I'm doing the right thing. I am aren't i?!

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You've done the right thing, don't worry. No doubt at all about that.

For starters can't you just use your camera and whatever lens you have for it? At very short FLs you can cope perfectly without guiding and learn all the rest of the stuff around imaging. The last thing you need is a scope (quite literally, though getting one eventually would be nice!)

Polar alignment, focus, framing, capture routines, flats, darks, stacking, pre-processing, post-processing. There really is NO need to cmplicate it further with a telescope at this stage!



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Thanks for the reply.

That is certainly an idea. I'd not considered that. How would I go about attaching the DSLR directly to the mount? I only have a few lenses, a 50mm 1.8f prime and a 55-200mm f/4-5.6G ZOOM. What sort of objects could I capture - are we just talking constellation and lunar images?

If I did want a telescope sooner rather than later do you have any suggestions?

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You could get a Startravel 80 (around £90) for visual and then use it as a guide scope when you've saved enough for a good imaging scope.

EDIT: I agree with Olly though, you could spend a lot of time getting used to how everything works with some great widefield shots with your existing camera lenses.

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I agree that you've done the right thing by getting the HEQ5.

If I were you I would have a go with a camera first using your 50mm lens. As Olly and Rob have already said - you can learn a lot from doing this without getting too complex or demanding.

While you're experimenting save up for a nice short FL refractor.

I'm not claiming this is a good image - but this is the sort of result you can acheive in the mean time with a camera and a 50mm lens.

Stargazers Lounge - Steve 1962's Album: Pictures of the Somerset Sky - Picture

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Thanks for all your replies. I'm pretty sure the bolt I attach my dslr to my tripod quick release would do the job in that case.

Steve - your image is amazing! I had no idea that could be achieved with a dslr. Certainly given me some inspiration although 300 second subs may be beyond my setup :)

Caldwell - could you share a link?


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I don't think it is beyond your setup - at 50mm focal length an HEQ5 Pro won't be far off.

I thought I would need some form of guiding to achieve that without trails...

Edit: actually I'm thinking of telescopic like focal lengths, perhaps it is achievable!

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Thanks for all your replies. I'm pretty sure the bolt I attach my dslr to my tripod quick release would do the job in that case.

Steve - your image is amazing! I had no idea that could be achieved with a dslr. Certainly given me some inspiration although 300 second subs may be beyond my setup :)

Caldwell - could you share a link?


Uummmmm, nothing on their site. I saw them advertised in the January edition of Astronomy Now, they had a full two pages of adverts, the tubes were green. I have a thing for shot tube refractors thats why I remembered them, I wish TAL made an ST :)

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