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Tal Venus

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Nice one mate.

Whats the focusing like on the beast?

Does it snap into focus easily?

Venus doesn't do focus under tonights conditions, it was really wobbly. I'd say Jordan scale fast spin or thereabouts.

On other stuff its a slow enough 'scope to need about half a turn from obviously too far one way to the other way.

Kaptain Klevtsov

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If I had sole access to Hubble for a week, Venus is one target I wouldn't schedule.

If all the conditions were A1 here on the ground for you KK, I don't think you would get a result much better than what you have posted here.

It is a very frustrating object, and personally,The only time I have found it worth the effort, was it's passage across the sun.

But, that is only my take on it, and I certainly don't expect many would agree. Now Mars, well, that's another story.

Ron. :)

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