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Mars Skymax 127


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Hi folks this will be my first post in a while mainly due to the long spell of bad weather in my area . I managed to get out for an hour lastnight and capture some avi's of mars ( was doing Saturn aswell but the clouds moved in ) this image is the best result out of the bunch . Equipment used was a Skywatcher Skymax 127 and an spc900 webcam , conditions were about 6-7 / 10 so not the best but the best i've seen in a long time and the final image was 2500 frames stacked .

Regards Alan


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Lovely image! I was also out and had taken 40 minutes of imaging with my Meade LPI. I realised after I had finished that I had left out the I/R filter (I remove it for spectrometry). I have just looked at the images and they are pretty washed out. I can just see the detail that your image shows clearly.

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