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Got £425. What to buy? Noob question.

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All your posts on equipment have enquired about computer controlled / GOTO telescopes so there is no point in proposing one without this facility I reckon. Looking at what is available at new prices the choice seems to be between a 5.1" newtonian reflector on a GOTO equipped alt-azimuth mount or a 5" maksutov-cassegrain scope on the same type of mount. Both would be good for visual observing. The maksutov-cassegrain would also be suitable for some planetary and lunar imaging using a webcam or similar. Neither are suitable for deep sky / long exposure imaging as you need i) a different scope design and ii) an equatorial mount and GOTO equatorials are not available within your budget.

On the used market your might get a 6" schmidt-cassegrain on sturdier GOTO alt-azimuth mount than the previous scopes mentioned which would be a step up in peformance but would still not be suitable for deep sky / long exposure imaging.

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Hi All,

It's all over to you pro's now. I have £425.00 to invest in a new or used GOTO scope (must be GOTO). What can you seasoned professionals recommend. Will be using it for planets, DOS's, imaging, etc.



If you only have this amount for the complete scope and mount some of the suggestions are a bit out of the price range. A good goto is not cheap I'm affraid.

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