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What to buy??

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Ok, I'm off to New York tomorrow for a few days :). I plan to visit Adorama (well, it would a shame to be that close... :)) I have a small budget, no more than the duty free allowance of about £150. So, what should I buy that is either not available here, or is much cheaper there?



PS SteveL, no, a mega wedge doesn't fit the criteria :o

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Helen, get whatever takes your fancy, everything's likely to be much cheaper to start with and then there's the exchange rate. Hide the ep's on coming home (C&E).Any chance of bringing me back a 4mm Burgess/TMB?

karlo :)

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Helen, generally if you stick to American products (TeleVue, Celestron, Meade etc etc) you'll save a bundle on pretty much everything. What they pay in dollars, we almost pay in pounds and as the exchange rate is almost 2:1....

Are you staying with someone? If so, you could arrange for something to shipped to their address from somewhere like www.optcorp.com and you'll save even more :). My Sister stayed with a friend a while back and I got an Ultima barlow for £30 :).

Personally, I'd go for eyepieces as they don't take up much space and the chances of getting snagged with them at customs are a lot lower than say, an 80mm achro...


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Not having bought and brought anything in from the USA, but having bought my Mega Wedge second hand from there, I was astonished when I had to pay almost a hundred quid when I went to collect it from the carrier depo. I got very angry at them, but all I got was, pay or leave it here, your choice. Are you not going to get the third degree from Joe Customs Helen? Or will what you save on purchases, still be worth it,

even if he wants some of it in his grubby paws.


PS. If I send you a couple of grand, will you bring me a shed load of gear back? :)

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I was there in October and it's a bit like argos so you're going to need to have some idea of what you want as there isn't much stock on display. B&H enterprises is the same set up, not much in it price wise.

I got televue bits and bobs and an eyepiece.

Have a great time


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Thanks for the suggestion guys. I'm planning on playing it straight - if I exceed my allowance I'll declare and pay the necessary charges (it'll still be cheaper I think!). From the website a few things have been put on my list: a Meade 3.3 focal reducer, a WO 2.5x barlow, and a celestron electric focuser. Anyone used the electric focuser? Might have to be 2 from 3..



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