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Time of the year.


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Being fairly new to imaging- before I was mainly just observing- quicker and less hassle- I`ve started really watching the wheather and sunset times. It got me thinking what`s everyone thoughts on the best time of year to observe/image?

Spring- still dark. lots of clouds

Summer- light. less clouds(hopefully)warm. but have to be up late.

Autumn-Getting dark. lots of clouds

Winter- dark. loads of clouds. cold.

Also another thing to consider is when people think the best objects to see are around- for showing family/friends I feel a crisp clear winters night is what I wish for- but ends up always cloudy.

:o:) :sunny: :)

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Its all good.

January = M42 and horsehead

February = More of the same

March = Leo trio

April = M81 & M82

May = M51

June = Globs

July = M57 & M27

August = Cygnus nebulae

September = M31

October = M33

November = M45

December = M1

Plus loads of other stuff which are mainly seasonal anyway

Kaptain Klevtsov

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I have such fond memories pf imaging with snow on the ground. So If you had asked me a few years ago i would have been December - February.

Now, however, is different May, June and July are dire - never gets dark. August I like, you have meteor showers, big globs, nice nebula, milky way for the side angle, M31... Warm evenings... BBQ's

But as always you get to the point where time of year is immaterial - if it's clear you try to observe / image.


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May-Clear, getting warm

June-Clear, there's a reason GCSP is held in June

July-Hot, clear, monsoons start

August-Monsoons with a vengeance

September-Clear days, cloudy nights

October-Clear again

November-Clear, cool

December-Clear, cooler.

"January brings the snow,

Makes your feet and fingers glow.

February's ice and sleet

Freeze the toes tight off your feet.

Welcome March with wintry wind

Would thou wert not so unkind!

April brings the sweet spring showers,

On and on for hours and hours.

Farmers fear unkindly May

Frost by night and hail by day.

June just rains and never stops

Thirty days and spoils the crops.

In July the sun is hot.

Is it shining? No, it's not.

August, cold and dank and wet,

Brings more rain than any yet.

Bleak September's mist and mud

Is enough to chill the blood.

Then October adds a gale,

Wind and slush and rain and hail.

Dark November brings the fog

Should not do it to a dog.

Freezing wet December, then

blumming January again!

January brings the snow ..."

Michael Flanders and Donald Swann

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Flanders and Swann! Well I never that's going back a bit! I had not seen the piece you quote before,Astroman and strangely enough clouds do not appear to get a mention. Probably wouldn't scan.

I think their best known songs over here are the ones about the...Big six wheeler 97hp omnibus and Glorious Mud where the warthog wallows!.....no offence WH! :)

Thanks for the memory AM


PS.Forgot to say welcome back....so.....welcome back! Missed your input.

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"In July the Sun is hot,

Is it shining, no it's not."

And I'm fairly sure if there's rain, sleet, hail, mist and fog, it's cloudy, eh? :)

Flanders and Swann were a huge favorite with my family when I was very young. We had both "Hat" albums and all know them by heart. My personal favorite song is "When the gas man cometh", as it sums up why I'm a handy man. If you want something done right, do it yourself. :)

Thanks for the welcome back.


"If you are lost in London, and you don't know where you are,

You'll hear my voice a'calling, "Move further down the car

And suddenly you'll find yourself inside the terminus,

Of a London transport, diesel engined 97 horsepower omnibus."

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"In July the Sun is hot,

Is it shining, no it's not."

And I'm fairly sure if there's rain, sleet, hail, mist and fog, it's cloudy, eh? :lol

Flanders and Swann were a huge favorite with my family when I was very young. We had both "Hat" albums and all know them by heart. My personal favorite song is "When the gas man cometh", as it sums up why I'm a handy man. If you want something done right, do it yourself. :)

Thanks for the welcome back.


"If you are lost in London, and you don't know where you are,

You'll hear my voice a'calling, "Move further down the car

And suddenly you'll find yourself inside the terminus,

Of a London transport, diesel engined 97 horsepower omnibus."


Don't you believe it! We can have rain,sleet and hail out of a clear sky. It's called a British Summer :)

Thanks for the verse,AM. Ah! Nostalgia. Don't you just love it?


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