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Terrifying experiences while observing?


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I certainly learned a lesson re. crossing a familiar field, with domestic livestock (heifers, bullocks, whatever) in the complete darkness. It can induce a veritable stampede! Finally, found that elusive five bar gate, and cleared it (almost) in one... Pursued by pounding hooves. LOL. Darkness (dusk even) certainly changes human-animal interactions (odds!). :)

Nocturnal walks haven't been the same, since I heard of the: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chupacabra :)

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My neighbour has two cats who seem to take great pleasure in sneaking up on me and rubbing against my leg. Which is terrifying.

The strange thing is they wear bells on their collars to scare away birds but they seem to be able to stop them ringing.

When it happens the hairs go up on the back of my neck

My neighbour is going to get my underwear bill.

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I am not a cat person so any that wander into my garden are quickly introduced to my dog who shares my feelings towards them. Any thing rubbing itself against my leg at 2am in the garden will encounter the sharp end of my brolly spike. :sly:

Sent from my GT-S5670 using Tapatalk

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You would like my back garden then, with our mottley collection of pussums. One is alway with me and the scope.

Oh, and another has been regularly seen chasing away a huge big alsation that growls at everyone and everything that moves.

PS Had a snake in the observatory once!

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They have sat in their warm houses for generations watching television programes and films about beasties and the like stalking the night which in turn has created an abundance of irrational fears.

Rest assured there is nothing out there that is going to rip you to pieces or drag you off into the night.

With perhaps the rare exception of another human being.


Not unless you live in California and find a mountain lion or bear on your patio.

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No problems here, just foxes, badgers, and pesky rabbits rustling around.

We quite often sit outside late into the night, just listening to the sounds of the the night, nice and relaxing, with a glass of wine

Much better than being inside, with rubbish TV

Quite lucky here, surrounded by country side on three sides, the other side is a dirt track lane, with a neighbour further up the lane

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I once set up my gear in a nice dark viewing spot away from the bright lights down what seemed like a quiet country road. What I didn't realise was that the quiet country road was in fact the local lover's lane and you can guess what happened next.

Car drove up, the lights went out and after 30 minutes of muffled giggles and a fairly stern test of the car's suspension, the engine restarted, the headlights went back on and the driver commenced a 3 point turn in the middle of which the headlights illuminated a middle aged chap with a dirty great telescope crouched a few yards away.

The car paused for what seemed an eternity and realising that I must have looked like a high tech dogger, I had to decide whether to run for it and avoid a beating or stay where I was and protect my valuable gear. I chose the latter but luckily the car eventually drove off and left me in peace.

It's kind of put me off dark sky sites for good and I tend to stick to my own back garden nowadays. Salutary lesson!

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Last night

I turned up to the newly adopted Witney dark sight, and there was a car parked up. I thought oh good I'm not the first one here. So I parked up near it and got out and started getting my boots on and getting my head lamp out. And thought hmm funny no ones got out and said Hi Sanmatt.

Then they put their full lights on and I realised they were not astro sorts but getting themselves some lovin'.

The drove a few feet forward parallel to me, sat there for a minute. Then moved forward more, and sat there for a few minutes. I was thinking hurry up c3po et all for gawds sake!

Then they sped off. and I laughed myself senseless at disturning their saucy time. It did get a bit scared afertwards though being on my own, I almost wished the lovers would come back and keep me company for a few minutes

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Three of us were happily observing in Lounden Hill car park (very isolated) when another car pulled up and parked at the other end. Two guys got out and dragged a dob from the boot and set up. After introductions we all got on with observing.

Half hour later we heard a car revving and clanking up the hill. Eventually it arrived and lurched into the car park with headlights blazing and stopped next to the dob. Four drunks got out and began arguing about their parking spot being taken. They left noisily to find their tent which they must have set up before going to the pub.

The clanking? Well, drunks don't need tyres do they!



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