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Penallta Park


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Hi everyone - I read in a couple of the threads that you were considering a meet in Penallta Park but I didn't see whether anyone had actually spent a night there.

As I only live a mile or so away I just wondered if anyone had been there in the night and what their experiences were.

So far my experience with the new scope only extend to my S Facing front garden which isn't ideal - I'm considering going down to the fields opposite the Machen mile - sort of between Machen and Rhiwderin - I've been there in the day walking and although its not too far away from Newport I suspect the wide open vista might be worth a trip - easy car parking aswel - anyway - appreciate your thoughts


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Will do Matt - perhaps I'll take a drive up on Saturday night - I know the parkings fine and theres a wide open field there that would probably be ideal - I just get the suspicion that you may well get the orange glow a bit up there if its anything like where I live - for the same reason I've decided against the MACHEN mile site- I drove past there at about 6:30 this morning and it was glowing orange but that was with cloud cover which no doubt amplifies the issue - anyhows I'll keep you posted although I suspect Helen may already have checked it out as she lives pretty close to me so must have condidered it in the past?



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Actually come to think of it I wonder if there are any truly dark field sites in S Wales- even driving back accross the Beacons which I do pretty regularly you can still see the glow in the sky there - I'm wondering whether you would actually have to make your way into Mid Wales to get a truly dark sky site?


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I been up on Machen common (turn at the church on Machen mile) when i lived in Rhiwderin, the road getting there is bumpy but once at the top you have a large area, its quite a dark site but you are looking down at a few towns with lights, not to bad tho had some nice views.

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bit of an update on this - I went up for a look last night at about 8:30pm. It was cloudy and there was snow on the floor but there was a definite orange haze in the sky especially as you look towards Caerphilly - I know the clouds amplify this effect but its a dark sky I'm after and I could get this in my back garden.

There wer also a few teenagers hanging around by their cars- what the hell they were doing up there in the cold and dark I'm not sure but I wouldn't now recommend this site and am looking for somewhere fairly local to get a decent dark sky night myself - any suggestions gratefully received.


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I'm sure Matt - I know even coming through Brecon theres this glow in the sky - so I'm probably thinking of somewhere fairly local and better than I have in the front garden and then once every few months perhaps try out something a bit special that I'll have to drive to - no rush and I travel to Mid Wales fairly regulary so I'll make it my project to find somewhere :0)

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