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How to waste your time


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Clear as a bell last night for the first time in several weeks. Thought I would take some images of Jupiter, although when you know its going to be hopeless you wonder why you bother.

Skimming the rooftops here, so I had to move the whole shebang just to get an image.

First shot is with a X2 Barlow, then processed and enlarged in Registax. Next one is at prime focus and the third is all the main moons (Callisto, Ganymede, Io, Europa) with the planet overexposed. Then just to annoy myself, I have included an image I took about two years ago. Oh happy days!


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Thanks Geoff! I 'wasted some time' last night too on Jupiter - and my initial process of the one shot I managed to get, between trees, after lugging the NS8 around the garden about 3 times, looks like yours. I'm relieved. I thought it was my completely amateur imaging skills at fault! :) That said, it was the first time I've managed to get anything with the webcam, so it is progress for me! I'm hoping one day to take an image like the previous one you took - NICE!


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Same scope as this time - Europa 250mm F4.8 with as I recall, 4x Image Amplifier, ATIK 1C camera with IR Filter. I do remember that the AVIs just looked good even in their raw state, although the view through the telescope visually was nothing special.

I was just gobsmacked when I processed them in Registax as up to then my efforts had been fairly average so it was a bit of a breakthrough for me.

Managed to get a whole series of images, including capturing some of the Galilean moons directly. Sadly, seeing like that is now a distant memory and not just for Jupiter.


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I had a go yesterday at Jupiter too. I will try couple of more time and if I won't see any improvements as to detail I will leave Jupiter for now...

Anyway your Jupiter from two years is great. I wish I was stargazing that time.


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