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Unlucky? Check this out...


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So, four whole nights of clear skies, as I ordered my 11 inch scope two days before the first clear one. Scope came this Tuesday about a week later, a semi OK night. However I had full blown flu so could not get out to use it, just recovering now. Ever since throwing it down in Nottingham... :)

So made the most of it my doing "dummy" alignments in my garage. Scope was slewing to pretty much where the stars should have been. Also hooked up Stellarium and got used to goto-ing that way too... Brilliant !

So... Apologies I have bought this weather onto you...:)


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Congrats on the new scope....

Thanks Tinker. Quite surprised how easy it was to set up (tempting providence there me thinks). The weight of it is a none issue (for me at least, even with flu :)). I am glad I stuck with the 1100.

Can't wait to test it out under a clear sky....

I will give a full first light report for googlers in due course.


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True but then again if this is a case of MAN-FLU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lucky to be alive then :)

Someone once said that if you think you have 'flu and you could still crawl out to collect the money if someone threw a suitcase full of fivers into your garden, then you don't really have 'flu.

A few Christmases ago my wife and I took turns in having something desperately unpleasant for three or four days. My temperature reached 104F and at times my face felt like it was going to peel off from the heat. I can quite honestly say that I have never felt even close to so ill before or since. I'd still have failed the suitcase test though. I was fairly spaced for a couple of days, but I'd still have gone after those fivers...


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