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Absolute newbie, skywatcher worth buying?

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Hi all, and please be gentle for my first post!

After being interested for many years I have been given what appears to be an old, tasco scope, with a 4mm and 12.5mm EP along with a x3 barlow. Now, I know NOTHING about these things, but as a photographer i know the optics etc and more importantly - stability, the thing is so unstable, screws are missing on the azimuth adjuster etc,

Ive read the very useful sticky on the forum but just wanted a quick bit of advice from some seasoned 'pros'

A local ebay seller has a 'Sky Watcher SKP13065EQ2' selling brand new (not wanted) for £60 - is it worth me getting it?

It comes with 10 & 25mm EP and two barlow lenses.

Am I just wasting money or is it a good deal? Or am I better off just trying to stabilise my tasco hand me down?

Im trying to find when my local astronomical society meets but the auction ends in 3 days, please help, I would be very grateful!



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Well, if it is indeed the genuine model, it is a pretty good deal. Thats a 130mm reflector on an eq-2 mount. While it isn't anything amazing, it IS a great starter scope, and will show you plenty of great views, as well as getting you used to an EQ mount.

Skywatcher is a good brand, and assuming the mirrors are in good order (ie no rust spots/scratches etc), i'd snap that right up if you're looking for a cheap entry to the hobby just to test the water.

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Thanks for the quick reply,

I will email the seller and ask them to conform the condition.

One last quick question if it is ok? Will the eye pieces I mentioned before for the tasco scope (including moon filter) fit the eye piece for the sky watcher? Seems a shame that i'd have to but them again thats all?

Thanks again

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Thanks very much everyone, for £60 it might be worth a punt, as I agree the Tasco one is pretty useless - so unstable its not funny!

I was thinking that for the £60 if I get a reasonable scope I'll be happy and that way it hasn't cost the earth.

Good thing is its a 'collect in person' job so do you advise me to watch for anything in particular when I go to get it? Apart from obvious mirror cracks/scratches and stability issues?

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the tasco - if it's anything like my first scope (114mm newt), the mount is very loose and can't be fixed. the OTA is ok & the focuser is 'basic' and fine for visual, but adding a camera. the EP's supplied with mine (0.9nn") were absolute garbage, as was the barlow. the best place for those (if they are the plastic ones) is the bin, but only after you've compared them with decent EP's just to see how bad they are.

what i'm saying is, don't waste time or effort on the tasco.

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You need to measure the diameter of the eyepice (the metal bit that goes INTO the focuser) or just measure the diameter of the fucuser.


1) it is 0.965" (about one inch) they will not fit ANY new scopes.

2) it is 1-25" (one and a quarter inch) they WILL fit your new scope.

If they do turn out to be 0.965 on your old scope and you want rid of them I will gladly take them off your hands (I have the smaller sized focuser on my OLD OLD tasco)

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Really appreciate everyones help and advice!

Have just heard from the seller who has sent me more photos, its never been removed from the box only opened as the person who it was bought for never bothered with it by all accounts.

Will be saying I will pay cash on collection and check it over with what you have advised.

I just hope it is 'like new' for £60!!!

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