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It's working! (Smartphone obsy control)


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I use teamviewer to control my obsy PC from the house/bed, sometimes to swap targets, but mostly just to check the guiding, and to park everything before I dash out and close the roof at the end of the sessions.

Last week I got a version of Teamviewer for Android, and have been trying it over the last few nights. Although it is a little tedious viewing the whole screen on the small phone screen, it does do everything I want, even allowing to switch between the two monitors I have. And the best part, it maintains a constant faint view of the obsy PC on screen, so i can keep it bedside and just cast it a bleary glance every now and again.

It works quite quickly over wireless, I guess GPRS would take a lot more time to refresh.

Here's a pic, showing guide graph, PHD guidebox, and picture preview/star shapes.




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