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Is it saturn?

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Using stellarium I looked through my scope to see if I could find saturn and when I put my it to where the planet was meant to be (2 points of light beneath artucus) and I just got stars :)

Is this because its getting too bright with the sunrise or do I just have too small a scope?

I was fine looking at mars btw

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Yeah like stated to the east there are really only two very distinguished stars next to each other with Saturn being the one on the left...basically it is left and ever so slightly lower unless it's position has changed in a month. A month a ago when it was coming up much later than it is now I was clearly able to see the rings in a 10 mm ep supplied with my 70mm reflector...a very beginner altaz scope and it looked amazing...even with the sun slightly over the horizon I was able to pick it out still...keep trying you will find her and get a great view. Note, look more ESE than SE imo.

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