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Bob's Knobs on an LX10


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New to the forum :D thought I'd pop in with a question.

I was thinking of getting a set of Bob's Knobs for my Meade LX10, does anyone else have them fitted?

I ask because it seems to me that they stick out a fair way from the central boss. On my scope this central boss is more or less level with the outer ring of the scope. If I fit a set of BKs this will prevent me from using the dust cap. :? :police:


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I bought a set of 'Bob's Knobs' for my 10"LX200GPS, a few months ago.

As yet, I haven't got around to installing them, as the scope is in good collimation.

However, I was assurred by Telescope House, that these are 'THE' ones to go for, while still allowing the 'dust cover' to be used.

The Astro Engineering 'Colli-Mate' knobs, had too high a profile, and as such could foul the 'dust cover'. I believe these are now discontinued, probably for this reason.

'Bob's knobs' do have a very low profile 'thumb-screw', and an awful lot of people with LX's are using then, so I don't envisage any problems.

Hope this helps.


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I installed bobs knobs on my LX10, they provide a stick on spacer set that pushes the dust cover out a little bit. They work very well, I hadn't collimated before having these, well I tried once with an allen key in the dark and thought "[removed word] this", bought the knobs and it was a breeze, very good images now. You've just gotta get them.


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Fear not, if your scope is on the list, they will be supplied with everything you need to accomodate the fitting. You will have no problems.

The guy provides a good service.

Ron. :police:

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Thanks for the replies people :D

Just what I want to hear. I'll order a set directly.

I to have had a go in the dark, in the cold ,out on the lawn with the small allen key :? :? What a larf that was :police: especially when I dropped it in the grass :D I smiled


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Thanks for the replies people :D

Just what I want to hear. I'll order a set directly.

I to have had a go in the dark, in the cold ,out on the lawn with the small allen key :? :? What a larf that was :police: especially when I dropped it in the grass :D I smiled


Yeah!, I bet you did. :D
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i too bought the LX10 off dear helen.

Not really had the chance to use it as yet, lack of clear skies or a suitable place to set it up.

Considering getting the focussing wheel as well

however being one to listen, i learned of bobs knobs, and looked at my instrument last night. Yes i can see how collimating with a tiny alan key in the middle of the night would be an issue so i bought a set. still awating delivery.

The only other issue i have now is findin a suitable case to transport it around.

It seems meade never made them!

let me know how it goes

BTW is there another way to collimate this thing without using a star?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well got BKs and they fitted a treat, don't know what I was worried about :)

As to the focussing knob, mine came with a neat little adaptation. The previous owner had bent a piece of flat Meccano around the existing knob, fixed with a couple of Meccano bolts it does the job very well. Doesn't look that pretty but it's very precise :o

Suitable case, mmm well here's what I've done. :)

Bought a suitably sized antique pine box from eprey


Take the foam packing from the shipping box, bit of cutting with one of her best sabatier carving knives, hot glue gun and dah dah


I get somewhere to store my scope, It's not that heavy :? and she gets a piece of furniture :):o

Collimating without a star :D

Set the scope up on a flat surface and stand about 8 or 10 feet away, look into the 'big end' and you'll see concentric rings. Simply get them all nicely centralised and there you go. Much more accurate with a star but it gets it close.

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The one thing about Bob's Knobs that I can't figure out is ........

...... why on earth don't the scope makers put them on in the 1st place :)

With the SCT design good collimation is essential and mucking about with a small sharp edged bit of metal, in the dark, within a few mm of that carefully figured and coated corrector lens just does not make sense.

Good for Bob in spotting and filling this market niche but no credit at all to Celestron and Meade for churning out 1000's of scopes over the decades increasingly incorporating all sorts of improvements and gizmos but still not addessing this simple issue.


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I agree John, and the same goes for Meade RDF adjusters - why do you need allen screws when knobs would be sooo much easier? (my friend dropped the allen key into the tube a couple of weeks ago! :shock:)


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i recently bought Helens only LX10

i also purchased the Bobs knobs and fitted them. its quite hair raisy at first, just replace ONE at a time and u wil be fine.

As for a case, i have utilised a plastic create for mine.

Urs is impressive, bit heavy though!

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Nice bit of storage, no one would have a clue what wonders were inside. Do you put it on a trolley or sack barrow to move it around?

good job


It's not actually that heavy for someone as young and fit as me :)

yeah right :)

With the LX10 in it's shipping box it's not exactly that portable, at least this has a handle each end.

Storing the tripod is my next quest :?

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