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Wide-angle lenses for deep sky observing

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Hi, i've been told that a wide-angled lens is quite good for deep sky observing. Im planning on buying a 70 degree lens, but I'm not sure whether to chose a 26, 32 or 38mm lens. My main targets are galaxies and nebulae. Any advice?


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If you have an 8" Dob, then most of the popular ones are 1200mm focal length.

So running the maths with 70 degree eyepieces gives -

26mm, 46x, 1.5 degrees field, 4.4mm exit pupil.

32mm, 38x, 1.9 degrees field, 5.4mm exit pupil.

38mm, 32x, 2.2 degrees field, 6.4mm exit pupil.

You are likely to get differing views of what is best of the three, but I'd go for the middle one, good low power/wide field, but not too large an exit pupil.

Regards, Ed.

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so will a wide-angled lens make deep sky objects, such as galaxies, clearer?

No. They show more sky so that the larger deep sky objects such as M31 can fit into the field of view though, depending on the scope and the eyepiece.

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