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Observations with Skyliner 150

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Hi All,

I thought I'd post a quick report on tonight's observing having asked for advice on here on how to take things foward with the above scope.

I have focused in the past few weeks - translates as four non-cloudy occasions! - on the area around Orion, Auriga, Gemini, as well as the double cluster and Jupiter & a little of the moon.

Went out around 6:30 had a quick look at Jupiter & the Moon. Moon was detailed around the terminator, though spoiled by currents from houses, I suspect. Jupiter left me feeling I need to invest in a higher powered eyepiece, but fascinating anyway. A quick look at M31 too.

Came back out at 11pmish & focused on Orion Nebula at low power. Four stars at centre evident, and making out increasing detail on silver-grey nebula. Then onto Auriga & I'm happy to say I am now able to locate & distinguish the three clusters there, following some previous worries on which was which. But the smudges in the finderscope are starting to show! So looked at the dense M37, one star did seem to slightly stand out at the centre but not orange as said to be (or at least did not appear so). At higher power not as good as when I first found it, though may have been light pollution (though I suspect that the 25 mm eyepiece really is not all that!). Then moved in to view the smaller, more disperse M36, before finding the cross shaped M38. Repeated this to ensure that I had the right sequence!

I also looked at M35 in Gemini & the double cluster, my favourite cluster so far, iit is so very fascinating & stands out very well. I also looked at Mizar, but found at medium power that Castor only just split. I looked too at Mars, a distinct disk but no detail.

Anyway, I certainly need to look at more eyepieces, because I do think the 25mm is not too good. But getting the grip now.


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Excellent report.

Besides investing in more equipment, make sure you have done all you can to remove stray lights. No lights besides the stars should reach your scope or your dark-adapted eyes.

Practice averted vision: instead of looking straight at the core, look to the left or right of it.

Hopefully following the above will increase contrast and detail.

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Thanks guys, I found a dark spot in the garden facing south to southeast, blocking out light from a pesky streetlight that throws light into the garden.

Thanks Dobby, for the eyepiece advice, I was thinking of the Revelation eyepiece set, has had good reviews/provides good range.


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a few very good options there,

amongst those highly regarded are those from Baader (Genuine Orthoscopic)

Celestron X-CEL LX..as mentioned by Dobbie

BST...this thread explains why..http://stargazerslounge.com/beginners-help-advice/168333-best-bang-buck-eyepieces.html

others that are worth noting are also mentioned in the above thread, its a common statement mentioned on the forum...eyepiece options are not an exact science but are certainly an area with many opinions and choice's,

you could get to a nearby astronomy society to see if you can try out any members own eyepiece stock before you commit any cash.

we're not to far away here...North Lincs Astro Group - Stargazers Lounge

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Thanks for this Alan - I'll check that out. I'll do some thinking on the eyepieces, though found BST ones for £40 each, plus wonder about the Barlow thing since it would cost as much as a third eyepiece perhaps.



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Thanks for this Alan - I'll check that out. I'll do some thinking on the eyepieces, though found BST ones for £40 each, plus wonder about the Barlow thing since it would cost as much as a third eyepiece perhaps.



When costing barlows, remember it effectively double the number of eyepieces you got. So the three eyepieces become six...

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