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First Light - Nexstar 130 SLT

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Having been waiting about 5 weeks to open my Christmas present - Christmas Day at last:D The scope was pretty well packed and very easy to assemble so no problems in that department. As I overlook Luce Bay on the Mull Of Galloway there was a nice bright yellow marker buoy far out on the Bay which I used to align the red dot finder. Now ready to go - not hopeful that I would get to use the scope as there was a lot of cloud about. Checked at 7.00pm cloudy - 8.00 pm CLEAR as a bell. The scope was out in a flash. As I wasn't sure how long the sky would remain clear I didn't bother setting up the GOTO - just wanted to try the scope. Orion was sitting perfectly and as there is plenty to see there thats where I started. sing the supplied 25mm EP I focussed on Betelgeuse - fairly sharp image and clearly red! Rigel next RDF working well. On to M42 - now being new to this I wasn't sure that what I was looking at was M42 or my bad focussing however after a while I convinced myself it was M42 - there was visible 3 bright stars in the middle of the wispy fuzzy area. The more I looked the better the image got.

Pleiades (M45) next - overwhelming number of stars visible - I want to have another go at this one as I'm not sure I was properly centred. Then disaster - the clouds flew in:mad: Well impressed with the scope - not so impressed with my proficiency - practice makes perfect however. Next time out I will prepare my observation schedule so that my approach is more systematic - and using the available time of clear sky more efficiently. Chance of clear skies tonight - can't wait:D Apologies for the War and Peace type post

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Thanks for the advice Faulksy - I thought 10 mins was enough cool-down time for a reflector - got that one wrong then lol. Will pop it outside in good time tonight if it looks like clear skies.

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