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WIP - IC_1805 Heart Nebula In Ha


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Well, after what seems an age, I have now managed to put together some images taken with my new ATIK 383L+ and Equinox 80. Moving from a Canon 550d to a CCD camera has been quite a learning curve, and getting my head round Artemis, MaximDL, PHD, and a totally new set-up of OAG instead of dual mounting bar has meant this has been a very slow process.

I have spent many clear nights not managing to get a single image but instead getting to grips with polar drift alignment (still not quite perfected), the need for a dew system (lost another night), and trying to find the right PHD settings for my scope/mount etc.

Problems aside, I did also spend a lot of time experimenting with camera, i.e., just getting to know it and it's capabilities as well as trying to find the right flattener and the right spacing for it!! :)

So, after a few months of trial and error I have managed to put together 24 x 15m HA subs of the Heart Nebula, and although I have only very quickly 'processed' this in PS3 I'm quite happy with the data I have so far. The processing has been a little 'cautious' and I'm sure there is more detail 'in there' that I can squeeze out but as I said - only a quick process!

This is a WIP, and I will be working on the Sii and Oiii when I get an opportunity but of course it's all dependant on the skies!!!



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Thanks for the kind comment Carldr.

With regard to problems I have had a few and overcome some of them by spending more money.

The best decisions I made though was to buy the OAG and spend a lot of time getting drift alignment as accurate as I could. It perhaps doesn't show in this image so much as i don't think my polar alignment was as accurate as it could be, but I grabbed some Sii Saturday night where the stars are a lot better in the corners.

However, saying that I still have a problems with the Equinox 80 focuser and as it only has one screw this is causing some problems in one corner of my images (tilt). Perhaps in the new year I'll get a moonlite? Still, it finally feels like I am getting somewhere with my images now (albeit slowly!)

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However, saying that I still have a problems with the Equinox 80 focuser and as it only has one screw this is causing some problems in one corner of my images (tilt). Perhaps in the new year I'll get a moonlite? Still, it finally feels like I am getting somewhere with my images now (albeit slowly!)

I've noticed the exact same thing.

I'm also having a problem with it slipping. I have a Lakeside Astro motorised focuser, and I can't find a balance between it being able to focus, and the focuser not slipping. Or more accurately, the focuser being able to move the focuser inwards when pointing up more than about 40 degrees. Temperature affects it annoyingly, so although it can work great when I'm tweaking it indoors, it all goes to pot when I move it outside.

I have a reducer (Televue TRF-2008), a filter wheel and a 383L+ on the back of it, so I don't know if I'm simply asking too much.

The focuser attaches to the 'scope with that same screw, which limits things significantly. It's just not an ideal setup, to the point where I'm thinking that paying £700-odd for a FLI digital focuser so it Just Works is a great plan - Plus then I can use it on my C9.25, and any other 'scope I buy. I dunno if the 0.2" of movement will be enough though, 5mm isn't much for the SCT.

But as you say, if you can't fix it, throw money at it!

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Having had a few hours to myself last night (the other half was out at a Christmas do) I managed to have another go at processing the Ha of IC 1805.

For those interested I have had a play with the high pass filter and it seems to have improved the images contrast. I'm still learning the'skills' of PS so I'm sure others could do a lot better.



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Many thanks Samir. The image is made up of 24 subs of 15m not just the 15 you mentioned but I am very happy with camera.

The move from DSLR to CCD was quite daunting but thankfully I had lots of help and advice from those in the know on SGL. :icon_salut:

When I first had the camera I spent a few clear nights just experimenting with exposure lengths, getting to know the camera software and I also had to 'learn' PHD as I was using an autoguide system with my DSLR.

Have to say though I much prefer using the CCD and so far I am very happy with the results.

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