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Televue Ethos 10mm V Nagler ?

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I moved from Type 6 Naglers to the 13mm, 8mm and 6mm Ethos. The difference was slight but noticeable to me. Not "twice as good" but any stretch of the imagination of course (the Naglers are excellent in themselves) but I've not regretted the upgrade one bit.

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Both are brilliant eyepieces

I prefer the ethos as the field of view is noticeably wider 88 degrees vs 100 I think. This is nice to help find things but more importantly it increases contrast by blackening the background more.

I wouldn't sell a Nagler to get an ethos but I would buy an ethos given the choice.



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I wouldn't sell a Nagler to get an ethos but I would buy an ethos given the choice.

Actually I did just that with my 13mm's. But thats only because I had done a lot of reading up on them and one came up for a great price used.

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Are the optics better on the ethos than the nagler, or is it just 100 degrees instead of 82.



There is far more to the Ethos than just the ultra wide field of view and a bit more eye relief. Contrast, light transmission, light scatter control are all a notch better than the equivalent Naglers, in my opinion.

Fantastic planetary eyepieces too in their shorter focal lengths - even a barlowed 8mm Ethos (Antares 1.6x barlow) matches the quality of view through a 5mm Baader GO in quality, again in my opinion :)

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If you've only had the Nags a month I think you would be better giving them a chance before you go swapping out EP's. The advantage of ethos is they do the job of 2 EP's but the disadvantage is if the seeing isn't up to it you don't have a lower magnification to fall back on. This obviously depends on what scope you have but worth considering when you have yet to give the Nags much of an opportunity to shine.

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If you've only had the Nags a month I think you would be better giving them a chance before you go swapping out EP's.....

I agree with Spaceboy's advice. The improvements with the Ethos are slight and the additional investment great. An Ethos won't show anything that a Nagler, or most other eyepieces won't show.

You may decide to invest in another direction after some more experience.

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I have a 13mm Ethos and as much as I really rate it an as often as I use it, I don't think I'd sell two Naglers to get one. This would be mainly due to what Spaceboy suggested.

I feel you should have more eyepieces at the top end of magnification not less as seeing is so variable.

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... The problem when you are new to astonomy you want to see the images in the magazines.

I don't know what scope you have but if you can use it under really dark skies the views might impress you more than using an expensive eyepiece :)

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The problem when you are new to astonomy you want to see the images in the magazines.

You could have a full set of ethos and still not see the same images as you see magazines. The human eye is the weakest link not so much the equipment you look through.

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If you're new to astronomy and haven't had the eyepieces long then, for the moment, I'd recommend spending your money on trips to dark locations instead of very expensive eyepieces. If you're in Bortle 1 you won't care if you're looking through an Ethos or a Nagler. Eyepieces make a difference but not that much difference.

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The 13mm Nagler was the best eyepiece I had used over the past 4 years..... until I bought the 13mm Ethos but I have to agree with the comments given already, keep the Nagler, its all round qualities are unparalleled for the money imo but try and get to some darkish skies which have to be seen to believed. :)

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