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There's a new Dob in town (advice and comment requested)

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Got to make 2 posts before I can gain enhanced forum rights so here is No.2!

After much research and reading am about to purchase some new kit.

Your comment and critique is sought.

In no real order of importance I've already ordered (or am about to) the following:

  1. Skyliner 250PX Flex Tube SynScan GOTO Dobsonian (RVO) - My first Newtonian. Prior to this have always owned refractors/SCTs. Looking forward to the "more bang for my buck" routine (I am a Scotsman living in Yorkshire after all :)). Have never collimated a scope but figure that a civil engineer like me (who learned surveying on 3 pin dumpy levels) should be able to figure it out - assisted by all on this forum of course! 10" dobo the best compromise between aperture fever, portablility/use and sheer vfm. (originally might have gone for the 16" but would have had difficulty getting it through the garden shed door...).
  2. Rother Valley Optics 17ah 12v 3 Outlet Power Tank (3 outlets did it for me).
  3. Astrozap light shield (FLO) - suppose I could make my own but the proce is OK.
  4. Astrozap light shroud (FLO)- suppose I could make my own but the proce is OK.
  5. ScopeTeknix 1.25" Gen2 deluxe laser collimator (SnS) (liked Robert Dalbys YouTube review)
  6. New Filters all 1.25" (for Dobo DSO fun) - (a) UHC filter, (:)OIII filter, © LPR filter (do I need all of these?)
  7. Rubylith or red plexiglass for laptop computer (FLO) (will also come in handy at star parties...)
  8. Rolson Heavy Duty Hand Sack Truck Pneumatic Tyres (Amazon UK) (for carting the scope in and out of shed and, occassionally, to car).
  9. Multi-Purpose Folding 8" Step Stool White (eBay) (not sure if I really need this as I already have a good observing chair)
  10. 12v DC Hairdryer (eBay) - we astronemers need to keep up out appearances on those wind swept nights.
  11. Bobs Knobs (for Primary mirror)
  12. Bobs Knobs (for Secondary mirror) - need to wait and see if a 30mm or 35mm thread required)
  13. Primary mirror spring replacement (?) (think I read a forum thread somewhere about replacing primary mirror springs - darned if I can find it again at the moment...)
  14. Aero 30mm 2" ED Eyepiece (FLO) - (lots of time spent reading up on this!)
  15. Skywatcher Coma Corrector (FLO)
  16. 5" wheels
  17. 2 shower caps (B&Q) - for each end of the scope
  18. Additional 10" dust cap (although can't seem to see wher I can obtain one from at the moment)
  19. Blazewear Mens Deluxe Heated Body Warmer (yes I'm a wimp...)
  20. 2x4(?) sheets of MDF to construct cabinet for scope (which will then sit inside garden shed)
  21. Rottner Reusable Dehumidifier Multidry - Air Dehumidifier (Amazon UK) (for interior of cabinet)
  22. Dew strip for EP?
  23. Firmware update?

Think that's about it (already have many plossls, spirit level, red observers glasses, radio clock, dew strip controller, control cables for laptop, CAnon 550D DSLR camera and associated kit, webcam, and a variety of 1.25" cloured filters) .

Oops, nearly forgot...

24. Kitchen sink

Any and all comments gratefully received.

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There are a lot of things on that list that I would say were nice to have but far from "mandatory". Offhand I'd include the Bob's Knobs, the Coma Corrector, the red plexiglass, the wheels, the dew strip for the eyepiece, the shower caps, and the light shields (you want a shroud though). If you want to buy filters get a UHC to start with and get it in the 2" fitting - it will fit your Aero ED 30mm (which is a 2" eyepiece).

You have missed off a red torch and a good guide to the night sky.

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I personally wouldn't bother with the red plexiglas I would just leave the laptop indoors.

It won't help any kind of visual observing and will just ruin your night vision.

Regards Steve

On the whole I agree.

However, the intention is to use the laptop with Cartes du Ciel.

For public outreach projects might be of some small use to easily locate low magnitude asteroids and comets? (via minor planet centre ephemirides updates).

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a good guide to the night sky.


Stellarium, CdC and Virtual Moon Atlas have their place but I couldn't do without my books and other hard copy references.


  1. Nortons
  2. Tirions Cambridge Atlas
  3. Gerald North - Observing the Moon (has replaced Rukl for me)
  4. Stephen James O'Mearas set of "Objects" books
  5. BAA yearly Handbook

Yada, yada, yada.

Surely this is the start of another thread? :)

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A properly dimmed laptop (use sheets of rubylith) will not ruin your night vision. It can be done and here's a thread on the matter: Telescope Reviews: Courtesy and Laptop Use in the field Some interesting experiences down near post #4734582.

The problem, of course, is that it's a faf to properly shield your laptop and it's still a hassle what with power requirements, cold, and dew. Whether it's worth the bother is up to you. The other problem is that a lot of people don't attempt to shield the things properly and that's a pain when you're in a public area and someone is being irresponsible with their laptop. When it's a once-a-year trip to a special dark location, I find that people are very intolerant of this sort of light intrusion. Rightly so, I might add.

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The other problem is that a lot of people don't attempt to shield the things properly and that's a pain when you're in a public area and someone is being irresponsible with their laptop. When it's a once-a-year trip to a special dark location, I find that people are very intolerant of this sort of light intrusion. Rightly so, I might add.

One of the reasons I am choosing to buy a new power tank (item 2 in my original post) is that it does not have a built in torch/flashlight like the Celestron/Skywatcher products I've owned in the past.

A recurrant nightmare is to attend a busy star party and accidently switch on the halogen light blinding everyone in the immediate vicinity.:)

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